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  1. chickeneer1-1

    sick sheeps and chickens

    how do i cure it?
  2. chickeneer1-1

    sick sheeps and chickens

    Hi everyone, I have a bit of a problem with my flock, I was out on a vacation for a few days and had a friend feed my sheeps and chickens. However, when I came home, they both have seemed to develop a cough. They are all fatigued and they can't keep their eyes open, sitting down, and coughing...
  3. chickeneer1-1

    Review by 'chickeneer1-1' in article 'Candling Pics Progression Through Incubation Of Chicken Eggs'

    amazing article!! what was your hatch rate in your incubator?
  4. chickeneer1-1

    HELP ! Very messy backside of Hen

    i have the same problem, i dont know what it is.
  5. chickeneer1-1

    Roosters behavior?

    ahh my hens/chicks do the same. Two of my girls fight for about 10 seconds then run off together. It's completely normal haha, theyre just playing!!
  6. chickeneer1-1

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #15

    or comparing and contrasting incubators and broody hens
  7. chickeneer1-1

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #15

    or could I do one on beginners guide to raising chickens/chicks.
  8. chickeneer1-1

    Rooster Collars!

  9. chickeneer1-1

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #15

    Can I write an article on hatching chicks? I want do one on hatching them with a DIY incubator, including making the incubator and configuring it, along with one on hatching chicks with a store-bought incubator.
  10. chickeneer1-1

    Rooster Collars!

    Yes, I currently have one on my rooster
  11. chickeneer1-1

    Rooster Collars!

    Hi everyone! I recently ordered a packet of rooster collars and I have a bunch of extras. If you have a rooster or multiple roosters and cant deal with the noise, rooster collars help with that. For for info, PM me or just comment on this post. Theyre safe, ethical, and help your rooster from...
  12. chickeneer1-1

    Day 28 no pip

    Still air incubator, i made it myself
  13. chickeneer1-1

    Day 28 no pip

    Chicken eggs and the temperature is at 100.5 Fahrenheit
  14. chickeneer1-1

    Day 28 no pip

    Hi! I'm new to incubating and hatching eggs. Its day 28 now. Two eggs hatched 3 days ago. The rest havent. I'm really worried. I candled them and saw no movement there was just a very tilted air cell is some and in the others it was still straight. Are they dead?😢
  15. chickeneer1-1

    First hatch!!🥳

    UPDATE: Unfortunately, he/she didnt make it. Lucky passed away last night.. she was really weak and underdeveloped so it made sense. Another egg hatched though! he/she is much healthier and stronger. Thank you for your great help everyone !!!
  16. chickeneer1-1

    First hatch!!🥳

    its a plastic box on top of tile. i had shavings b4 but they were getting stuck. ill put papertowels in there right now
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