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  1. Knightlight

    Ancona Ducks: Breeding for Colour

    This is exactly what Ive been looking for!! Thank you!
  2. Knightlight

    Ancona Ducks: Breeding for Colour

    Im looking into breeding my Anconas, but want to know what duckling colours to expect, well, kinda expect possibly. At least a general direction. What crosses throw what colours? My group is very small, just 2 hens and 1 drake. The drake is a Black and the hens are a Black and a Lavender. Black...
  3. Knightlight

    Stumbling Goose

    He died, so I guess this is all speculation at this point. I think he got beaten up pretty bad and had some neurological issues. I gave him some selenium/vitamin e paste a few days ago and it seemed to help a little so I had some hope he might turn around. Then his penis prolapsed and he just...
  4. Knightlight

    Silver Appleyard Ducks

    Very late response, but: They will typically mate throughout the ywar when given the opportunity, but they'll be aggressive about it in the spring. Typically ducks can and will lay throughout the winter if its mild enough or may slow or stop when its a harsh winter. They should lay all spring...
  5. Knightlight

    Silver Appleyard Ducks

    This is the first dark patterned Appleyard I hatched out. Hes from my purebreed flock and theres zero chance of having been crossed. Parents are all from breeders in my area that only raised Appleyards and have good history. Hes going with his hatchmates to another farm interested in raising...
  6. Knightlight

    Stumbling Goose

    2 year old roman tufted gander. Had been fine up until a few weeks ago. Started crouching as close to the ground as possible without sitting down and stomping his feet as fast as possible, not running, just stomping. Then would wander off like that. Has started standing up like a runner duck...
  7. Knightlight

    Crosses! Pom/Toulouse/Buff

    Ive sold them since so I have no pictures of them as adults now
  8. Knightlight

    Turkey/ chicken egg fertility ratio

    Im also new to the turkey world. Whats considered a good fertilized egg to dud egg ratio in a standard flock?
  9. Knightlight

    How high should my goose's fence be?

    Im far past this conversation, but Ive had my Roman Tufted Goose climb over a 4 ft fence and Im dealing with my Pomeranians flying, while clipped, over a 4 foot fence too. Only thing ive found that keeps them in well are 6 foot chainlink panels.
  10. Knightlight

    Eye infection, yellow mass?

    What did the necropsy say? I had a few come down with the pus plugged eyes before but cant afford a necropsy on any.
  11. Knightlight

    Crosses! Pom/Toulouse/Buff

    I have Grey Saddleback Pomeranians, French Toulouse, and American Buff in a group and hatched some babies out from them. They look pure, but who has crosses of any of these and can upload some gosling pictures with what cross they are? Please no other breeds mixed in, only those three, only for...
  12. Knightlight

    Dead hens

    This is my best guess as well unfortunately. The coop is dry now, but it was a lake for about a week when the rain and melt off was bad. We managed to raise the ground level pretty quick and bail out the coop, and i kept them all outside as much as possible, but i think the damage was done.
  13. Knightlight

    Dead hens

    Northern wisconsin. Most of the birds were killed by a bobcat that got into my coop by ripping open a wall. Ive lost them and a lot of chicks to being weak, getting trampled, one actually burned itself to death, another suffocated itself in feed, etc. Ive lost a few to sour crop that I didnt...
  14. Knightlight

    Dead hens

    Theyre layers mostly. Im getting anywhere from 10 to 30 eggs a day from this coop. Most are in the 1-2 year range, some are roosters,and some are juveniles and older non layers
  15. Knightlight

    Dead hens

    The coops are over 10x10 and over 20x20, the outdoor space is free range. The big coop has less than 50 birds in it now and they had been fine, all winter too, up until the shit weather. Recounted and the most that was in there was 60. I thought maybe 70, but wasnt sure, that was before I split...
  16. Knightlight

    Dead hens

    They have plenty of coop space. That 200 birds is day old chicks to 5 year old hens and roosters. I had a bobcat take out almost my entire flock earlier this year and about 40 chicks get trampled in a HUGE space. Theres no over crowding, the coops have ventilation, they get cleaned out...
  17. Knightlight

    Dead hens

    I have/had about 70 hens and some roosters in a large coop for the last 2 months since we dont have our mesh fencing up yet and they keep teying to commit suicide on the road and are invading my neighbors yard. I recently started letting them out again. Not a good idea, but also very...
  18. Knightlight

    Goose eggs in a gqf cabinet incubator

    I'm so worried the eggs will just slide right out when they're in the cabinet. I've tipped the tray, and it doesnt fall out, but I'm still worried a full tray of eggs will just fall out! But I cant find any videos of these trays in use actually to dissuade my fears. All Ive seen is the stock...
  19. Knightlight

    Goose eggs in a gqf cabinet incubator

    Ive got a 1500 professional as well as the large egg setting trays with 5 rails/ basket troughs each tray. Ive also got a lot of geese I want to hatch from and just got our first egg of the year today. I put the egg in the basket tray to see how it sat in there and it doesnt seem like it will...
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