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  1. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    It was 18g and about one inch. We tried to go about half an inch in but may have gone a bit further. We will try to change the angle tonight and will report back. I had another hen pass last year due to what I think was a soft-shelled egg that was laid partially inside her. We thought we got it...
  2. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Thank you. If she's internal laying and it's not a fluid build up issue from organ problems, does that change how we treat her? Is it beyond hope at that point? Again, really appreciate your insights!
  3. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Only about 7mL probably, not even a full 20cc syringe (we could only get a bit at a time, I think we need to change the angle a bit to get more at once. There seemed to be some suction that stopped the flow.) It was quite a thick yellow. I know we can't do more than 1.5 cups so we're keeping it...
  4. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Just an update here -- we tried draining her last night. We pulled some very yellow fluid out; not as much as we hoped so we're going to try again tonight. She seemed to perk up a bit after and has been still eating some mash and scrambled egg. She's pecking out in the yard with the others...
  5. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Thank you for this! I'll see if I can complete this procedure. I am doing some reading on this, but is there a common underlying cause I should watch for so this doesn't happen again? Sounded like maybe it was some sort of reproductive tumor or something since she stopped laying? Thanks, again!
  6. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Thank you both! @dawg53 How much dewormer should I use and how is it administered? @LaFleche I was worried about reproductive issues and internal laying but expected to see signs sooner than this if that was a problem. Is there anything to do to help with that? I don't see any lice/mites and...
  7. MissLivia

    Lethargic Chicken: Help?

    Hello, everyone! I've spent far too long reading posts on here trying to figure out what's wrong with my hen, so I decided to post and get advice for my specific situation. My Dominique hen yesterday started exhibiting lethargy; she was standing around away from the flock. She didn't seem super...
  8. MissLivia

    Help Sexing my New Flock (Easter Eggers+Welsummer+Australorp)

    You're so right! Thanks for the tip!
  9. MissLivia

    Help Sexing my New Flock (Easter Eggers+Welsummer+Australorp)

    Thank you! Their little dynamic is fun to watch. I feel like I keep staring at them and seeing things that aren't there. Or maybe I'm wishing I won't see things that are. So I appreciate your feedback!
  10. MissLivia

    Help Sexing my New Flock (Easter Eggers+Welsummer+Australorp)

    We recently got our second round of chickens, so it's time again for the age old question -- pullet or cockerel? All are about two and a half months old (got them April 1 and April 7). Easter Egger: Max Easter Egger: Chloe She's the one I'm worried about. Australorp: Nilin...
  11. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    Sorry, I know this a really old thread, but can you give more details on the white spot you mentioned? I haven't heard of this yet and want to keep an eye out. :) Thanks!
  12. MissLivia

    The Squad's All Here

    Thanks for confirming and sharing your theories on the bald spot. I just look at it as her "birthmark," but was hoping it wasn't something more severe. It doesn't seem to bother her, though!
  13. MissLivia

    The Squad's All Here

    Y'all were SO helpful in identifying the breeds and sexes of two of my chickens the other day that I wanted to add some photos of my other ladies. I'm new to the chicken experience, so I want to be sure I'm as knowledgeable as I can be! Can you confirm if these are the correct breeds and sexes...
  14. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    I'll keep an eye on the comb. The Marans check out -- we special ordered those, so I'd hope they'd be correct! Thank you!
  15. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    Thank you! That's what they said, but what they said is questionable at this point. ;)
  16. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    Goodness, they were pretty mixed up in the store, then! Thank you all for your quick responses. To confirm, the Isa Brown pullet is still correct, right? :)
  17. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    He's not going to love that being in the city, ha! I was thinking that, as well. I'll be sure to let him know. (He's handsome, though!)
  18. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    The stripes give it away, I think. :) Are they all pullets, or is the whiter one a cockerel?
  19. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    That's what I was thinking, too!
  20. MissLivia

    Australorp from Tractor Supply Truly an Australorp?

    Hi, everyone! I am a total newbie and purchased two chickens from Tractor Supply on April 1. One was supposedly an Isa Brown pullet and one was an Australorp pullet. From what I've seen elsewhere, I believe the Isa Brown is correct, but getting some other breed vibes from the "Australorp."...
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