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  1. SpicyDisaster

    Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye

    It's the same eye though one was with the back camera and one with the selfie camera so it looks flipped. Attempted to reintegrate him and it didn't go well with the top roo. So he's going out into a separate run with full visibility during the day and back into the garage at night (icy cold...
  2. SpicyDisaster

    Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye

    Well he continues to maintain his condition, still no discharge or indication of an illness and he remains the only chicken impacted. Perfectly healthy poop and appetite, still calling to the ladies when given treats even though they are outside and he's inside. Stumped.
  3. SpicyDisaster

    Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye

    Thanks, I'll keep an eye on him! Hopefully not a tumor, he's a keeper and such a happy boy.
  4. SpicyDisaster

    Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye

    Just checked, throat is completely open and clear. Ears look good. No discharge from nostril or eye. Really weird. It's firm feeling like there is something pushing out.
  5. SpicyDisaster

    Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye

    Hello, Our 4 month Welsummer cockerel presented with a swollen eye this afternoon. He appeared normal yesterday. No other chickens impacted. He appears normal otherwise, eating and drinking. Hubby just set him up a spot in the garage. We had a hawk incident yesterday and today was really foggy...
  6. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster's CoopShed Build-A-Long

    It seems to be from the chickens drinking out of them but the volume of water is surprising. I've washed the buckets and nipples to make sure there isn't dirt lodged in (usually a bigger leak issue with that though). It could be from the threads but I don't ever see the water dripping off the...
  7. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster's CoopShed Build-A-Long

    The girls are incredibly annoyed at the captivity. Went out first thing yesterday to find Oreo on the 8' wall. So chicken wire went up while we went into town to get some finishing touches. Two flock blocks later they were happy to have something to do at least. The buckets of water with...
  8. SpicyDisaster

    Buying a House/Moving When You Have Chickens

    Have your coop setup before you move the chickens. Even if that means moving your stuff in a few days early and going back to the old house to move the chickens. We moved across the state last year with 15 pullets and what I learned: 1. Bankers boxes were great, dark and comfy small so they...
  9. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster's CoopShed Build-A-Long

    Some progress pics Flutter joined for roost inspection (pre-sanding job). Even putting them 15" apart I think they might be too close ugh. We shall see. But there's 72' of roost available for 41 chickens! 2x4s were pulled from the large pallets used to transport siding for the brewery going up...
  10. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster's CoopShed Build-A-Long

    Surgery in two weeks has sped up and condensed the build timeline. As with everything homesteading I'm learning to decide what's most important for function and letting the rest slide for "in the future". That being said, walls are up, roosts are done, door is hung, and the nest box is...
  11. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster's CoopShed Build-A-Long

    Feels like plans are ever-changing as things are built out. Pole barn is finished. I've opted to do a 12x20 section into a coop instead of the 15x30 due to some framing build outs and changes in how the barn lines up with the run. This gives me the other 12x10 area for stacking eggs for sale as...
  12. SpicyDisaster

    What age do you choose cockerels for breeding project?

    That's actually the easy part, I sell eggs to the neighbors to help cover feed costs so letting the hens grow out and only matching the best up will be an easier feat thankfully!
  13. SpicyDisaster

    Post Your Nifty Tips and Tricks You've Learned Along the Way that Makes Chicken Keeping Easier

    We plan to build our new coop with this concept. I'm super excited!
  14. SpicyDisaster

    What age do you choose cockerels for breeding project?

    Thanks everyone! I'm going to be spending a bunch of time with the flock and constantly analyzing the remaining five boys. Taking out the dominant and 2nd rung cockerel this week so it will be interesting to see who steps up out of the remaining five. I have a tentative decision on the next two...
  15. SpicyDisaster

    Choosing a Broody?

    Drat! Hopefully it works out for you and the hens. Any luck moving at night maybe?
  16. SpicyDisaster

    Choosing a Broody?

    Any chance you could hardware cloth her in and let her out for regular broody breaks? We did that at the end but only had 13 hens to contend with. The latest one wound up regularly on a different nest so I totally understand that wouldn't work for actual incubation of eggs
  17. SpicyDisaster

    What age do you choose cockerels for breeding project?

    Perhaps a silly question... To clarify maturity, is that sexual maturity when they start attempting to mate the hens or is that at a year old? Or something else entirely? Thanks! The current space and hen limitation is pushing me to reduce numbers faster than I would have liked. Three were easy...
  18. SpicyDisaster

    What age do you choose cockerels for breeding project?

    Newbie with ambitious plans. At what age do you typically choose your breeder? I presume hitting sexual maturity at a minimum which can vary pretty breed. Right now I have 5 Ameraucanas to choose from and will have Welsummer and French Black Copper Marans on the next round.
  19. SpicyDisaster

    Choosing a Broody?

    We've had two different broodies hatch/adopt. Both were vocal and puffy about egg inspection yet never really bit anytime. They'd peck on the hand like "excuse me no thank you kindly bugger off". Both have been fierce protective mommas with the other hens yet begrudgingly accepting of the humans...
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