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  1. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    I have another update! VetRX cured my baby girl! She is no longer coughing! However, my males must have caught her cough but I am treating them with the same medicine twice a day and have been since this weekend so that should cure them too. I definitely recommend it for anyone experiencing the...
  2. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    I'll have to check around to see where I can find some, but I will definitely change over! My biggest worry is that I don't know what has caused this and I'm worried about losing my babies... Their brother passed suddenly a month ago. He had hip dysplasia and was struggling more than normal, but...
  3. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    I have an update for you all! So my female runner has been coughing less, however the second I let her out to forage she started up again! To make matters worse, I noticed my male runner also coughing slightly. I'm worried that maybe it's their coop? I noticed it is a bit dusty in there and...
  4. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    See we've just had a rainy period here too and it's started to clear up, finally! I ordered some VetRX poultry aid that had good reviews so I will try that. If there is no change after a few days I will contact the vets. I will also see if I can get some oxine!
  5. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    I've ordered medicine which will arrive tomorrow so I'm really hoping that will help!
  6. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    So last night she had stopped making the noise. However, the second I let her out of the run to forage on the grass she started up again! She is the only one out of the flock doing this.
  7. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    See I thought so too! I've just gone up to pop the flock to bed and she is more vocal, however her quacks are beginning to sound slightly more hoarse?
  8. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck? I just made a tiktok of it, so I'm hoping this link will work!
  9. MolliMonster99

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Hi everyone! My almost 3 year old runner duck Hannibal was making a weird sneezing sound today when I let the flock out. They were foraging together and I kept noticing she was making this weird sneezing sound. I picked her up and gave her a check over. She had nothing in her nostrils, nothing...
  10. MolliMonster99

    Advice for a disabled duck

    I will definitely give this a go, thank you! I was worried about the noise and the heat but I will definitely try this during the next bath time!
  11. MolliMonster99

    Advice for a disabled duck

    Hi everyone! A few years back I posted about a runner duck of mine called Frances. He was born with a limp, which after a vet appointment we discovered was caused by hip dysplasia. His vet said it was the first time she had seen it in a duck. If it was a cat or a dog they would perform a hip...
  12. MolliMonster99

    Bump on ducks cheek?

    I think I've found it, thank you so much! I'll post an update when I can
  13. MolliMonster99

    Bump on ducks cheek?

    I'm in England and I haven't heard of that, but I'll search on Amazon and see what I can find. Thank you so much!
  14. MolliMonster99

    Bump on ducks cheek?

    I'm so glad you responded because you seem to be the expert on this site! ☺️ I did search online and it looks like a feather cyst. What is salve?
  15. MolliMonster99

    Bump on ducks cheek?

    Hi all, this is my Cayuga duck Iris. Today I noticed a bump on her cheek, which at first I thought it was just a few ruffled feathers. However, once I got a hold of her I felt the bump and it is quite hard. Obviously I'm concerned as I've never experienced this before and I have no...
  16. MolliMonster99

    Bump on ducks cheek?

  17. MolliMonster99

    Creaking runner?

    If you watch the video you'll hear what I mean. All my runners make this noise.
  18. MolliMonster99

    Ducks and Chickens stopped laying?

    I did actually explain in my other comment that I thought oyster shells were the same as grit, but that we do give our flock oyster shells. I think the protein is 17%? I can't find the mill date though. My cayugas have started to lay now so it's just the runners and chickens.
  19. MolliMonster99

    Ducks and Chickens stopped laying?

    None that I can think of 😟
  20. MolliMonster99

    Creaking runner?

    Hey all! So I think I may have asked this question before, but what does this weird creaking sound mean?! I finally caught a video of Frances while he was grooming and you can clearly hear the sound. However, my other runners make the same sound when they're just standing in the coop! Any ideas?
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