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  1. RawDaddy

    Chicken breeds compatible with ducks

    I have 10 chickens and 3 ducks, all different makes and models. The chickens are 18 months old and the Ducks 6 months old. I was surprised at how dominant the ducks can be. Not in the way of fighting, but if they want to get at some food, the chickens pretty much acquiesce. I agree with Aunt...
  2. RawDaddy

    Rinsing Fermented Feed

    Actually you do or should drink the brine from sauerkraut. Now let me say that if it’s a high quality non pasteurized sauerkraut. Sauerkraut shots are loaded with probiotics. Very popular here in California at the Farmers markets, they also sell them at Whole Foods and other organic grocery stores.
  3. RawDaddy

    How much do you pay for feed??

    Was curious if your girls slow way down on their egg production when they are molting. Mine seem too, or at I think that’s what’s happening. All the best
  4. RawDaddy

    Stress Causing low egg production?

    So when the kids got back from vacation, I had them scour the back yard for more eggs. Sure enough they found a few dozen in the duck house nesting boxes. Ducks are quite old enough to start laying, about another month. Problem solved.
  5. RawDaddy

    Chicken Crack

    We call meal worms crack. Our chicks will come running from their nesting boxes when they realize that there are meal worms to be had. It’s quite the scene.
  6. RawDaddy

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Get Rid of Dirty Coop Bedding?

    Use it as mulch around trees. Keeps the soil moist longer.
  7. RawDaddy

    Stress Causing low egg production?

    They are all about 16-18 months. Four of them are Polish, not big egg layers to begin with. It hasn’t been that hot. Nothing in the triple digits yet. I gotta say, the ducks are messy, water needs to be changed on a daily instead of every other or every third day, wondering if that was part of...
  8. RawDaddy

    Comment by 'RawDaddy' in item 'New chick owner- automatic door'

    My questions are, will your chickens have a run attached to the coop? Will the be free ranging out side coop/run? I have a run connected to my coop, and installed this one. They free range in my backyard. I although I have never gone 10 days, my feeder and water system can go 10 days before...
  9. RawDaddy

    Stress Causing low egg production?

    Reading through some of the posts on lower egg production, I noticed stress was a major factor. We have 10 mixed breed chickens, all see very healthy. We had been getting 6-8 eggs a day. About 6 weeks ago we introduced 3 duck hens to the backyard. They seem to get along fairly well. Fairly well...
  10. RawDaddy

    Curing hens of brooding

    Ok that makes sense
  11. RawDaddy

    Curing hens of brooding

    So you’re saying no bedding at all, no straw or anything which will hopefully cure them of their broodiiness. I have a pretty large run which I can section an area off for the two of them. It has a touch of straw, not much mostly dirt. Should I clear all the straw out of that area? Or should I...
  12. RawDaddy

    What's the rarest breed or variety you have?

    As a follow on question is there a website that lists rare breeds of chickens, ducks, and geese? You peaked my interest. Thanks.
  13. RawDaddy

    Curing hens of brooding

    Thank you again.
  14. RawDaddy

    Curing hens of brooding

    Thank you so much, sounds like great advice I’ll definitely give it a try. Can two hens be put in the same cage?
  15. RawDaddy

    Curing hens of brooding

    My searching skills maybe lacking so if this question has been answered sorry for the repeat. I have 10 hens, and yesterday 2 of them started to brooding literally at the same time. My question is how does one cure them of this behavior? There’s no rooster, and wasn’t planning on having anymore...
  16. RawDaddy

    Roosting outside the run and coop

    Thank you for teaching me something today.
  17. RawDaddy

    Roosting outside the run and coop

    Here are the pictures of inside the coop That’s exactly what I’m trying now. Three youngest are the silver hair polish and she’s one of them. The other two will head to the coop but not her. The other two so far have no desire to roost. She does. I watched the dynamic the last two nights and...
  18. RawDaddy

    Roosting outside the run and coop

    Ok got it. Never have seen that before, thanks for sharing.
  19. RawDaddy

    Comment by 'RawDaddy' in article 'Can Chickens Eat Kale? All You Need To Know'

    I know for a fact they can eat kale. It was one of the first plants they destroyed before I chicken proofed my garden. This was an old growth one as well. I learned my lesson.
  20. RawDaddy

    Roosting outside the run and coop

    I’ll take a picture of the inside a Nd post it as soon as the sun comes up. I have 11 chicks with 3 x 6 foot roosting bars a total of 18 feet. Another 1:30 and everyone will be up by then. The coop size 6x4 foot. I do have a video of the inside of the coop but it’s t doesn’t let me load it here.
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