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    Malformed egg

    Ok, thank you very much! 😊
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    Malformed egg

    Thank you!
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    Malformed egg

    We are in Australia so we are 2 months into the Summer season. All my girls eat the most expensive food from the feed store plus lots of fresh food and they free range in a very large garden area so I’m not sure why they’d be lacking in anything really. Any idea what I should feed specifically...
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    Malformed egg

    None are over 2 to 3 years old and all usually lay normal eggs. Thank you
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    Malformed egg

    Hello, I have had a number of weird eggs laid lately but the attached picture is the most extreme example. Sorry, it is a bit gross. Can anyone please advise what my chicken might be lacking to lay this type of egg? Or does she have worms? An internal problem? Similar bad eggs were more formed...
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    Sussex Hen - difficulty swallowing

    Thank you! I’ve now decided the hen I initially wrote about must also have something else wrong, or not have canker at all. She is gurgling and went to bed early tonight. She runs to and pecks at food offered but doesn’t seem to actually get much down. Shes always doing weird head movements to...
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    Sussex Hen - difficulty swallowing

    Hi again, Do you know if ACIFIED copper sulphate is the same as just "copper sulphate". My feed store is trying to sell me this product (also called BLUESTONE) and they say a lot of their customers use it for horses and chickens. I'm just worried it doesn't say "Acified". From all my googling, I...
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    Sussex Hen - difficulty swallowing

    Thank you for your reply. I did give vitamins and probiotics when the attack first happened so I will keep them up. But just an update: I managed to catch her again and could see down her throat a lot better. I really think she has canker! I then caught another two birds, one Wyndotte and one...
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    Sussex Hen - difficulty swallowing

    Hello everyone, About 6 weeks ago one of my Sussex flew out of her yard so my puppy had a fun time cuddling her and pulling out 70% of her feathers!! He had her for about 40 mins until we realised! She recovered well and after a few days, she was eager to be outside and back with the flock...
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    Bare skin and poor feather growth

    Thank you so much for your reply! He didn't have a rooster and they seem to get along well. He only had two and his coop was quite large. With me they have even more room as they are free range. The feather loss/ damage is mostly on the back (the half closest to the tail) and the raw red skin...
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    Bare skin and poor feather growth

    Hello all! I recently inherited two Rhode Island Red hens (about 2 or 3 years old) as my Pop passed away a month ago. Any chickens that my Pop kept always ended up losing most of their feathers - poor things!! No one is sure why and being a silly old man he didn't seem to think much of it. I...
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    Very smelly point of lay chickens - Silver Laced Wyandottes

    I recently acquired two point-of-lay Silver Laced Wyandotte hens that seem healthy enough for their age but I am finding that they really SMELL! My other hens I have had for a while (Sussex) smell lovely and neutral and I love holding them and patting them but these new hens stink! When I pick...
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