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  1. ForensicNurse

    Chicken injuries!!!

    You need to clean the wounds and treat with antibiotics. They probably need to be seen by a bird vet. If the neck or back are broken it might be better to humanly put them down. So sorry this happened to your flock.
  2. ForensicNurse

    Another adopt an egg hatch along!

    I will take1?? Hope it’s fertile!
  3. ForensicNurse

    Duck struggling to breathe

    Oh boy. She is struggling. All I can suggest is make her comfortable, if you have oxygen give her some low dose 2L Bumble foot has to be taken care of in a timely manner or it can go systemic (spreads all through the body), resulting in death. Keep her hydrated but don’t force mouth feed...
  4. ForensicNurse

    Food Mills

    I was pretty impressed with this guy. Not sure if it suits your purposes
  5. ForensicNurse

    URGENT!! Hen is bleeding from vent

    I am sorry for your loss. Often these things happen quickly with our girls.🙏🏼
  6. ForensicNurse

    URGENT!! Hen is bleeding from vent

    You should separate her from the others. Start with a warm water/epsom (1 TBSP) soak for her rear end. Pat gently dry with a towel. Take a before & after pic. Put 1TBSP apple cider vinegar (with the mother load) in 1 Liter water for her. Give her some electrolytes & calcium (in water before you...
  7. ForensicNurse

    Prolapsed vent, putrid watery excrement

    You were correct to give the penicillin. She is your girl and not a production bird. She has probably had the VG for some time. I think you should take her to an avian vet if you can afford it. If she has prolapse and necrosis she needs to be debrided. She will need antibiotics for 5...
  8. ForensicNurse

    Vent Gleet and Vent Prolapse (Shell Less Egg Half Inside Half Outside)

    Jeffrey, I am so sorry. I am not on here that often. If your bird has VG for over 2 months (3 now) you need a veterinarian that does birds. VG needs to be treated right away. The worms are a complication and so is the prolapse. As she deteriorated more more things (medical conditions)...
  9. ForensicNurse

    Possible Vent Gleet

    Ya give them scratch as a treat. If they are layers they need the pellets, oyster/crushed egg shells and grit. Oyster & grit can be in smaller hook to fence feeders. They will eat as needed. I give kitchen scraps (veggies) to get them in after free ranging. It’s enough for a few TBSP each...
  10. ForensicNurse

    Anyone try blu-cote for vent gleet?
  11. ForensicNurse

    Anyone try blu-cote for vent gleet?

    I would never put blu-kote on any mucous tissue, including vent tissue of chickens. Just my personal experience with blu-kote and other farm and domestic animals (dogs, cats, sheep, cattle, horses)
  12. ForensicNurse

    Bully older flock is affecting new hens; new hens don’t mix and won’t go into coop at night

    You could split the koop down the middle and the run as well with simple chicken wire. Move one of your roosters over (or not) and let them co-exist peacefully.?
  13. ForensicNurse

    Won’t Go in Coop at Night

    I suggest putting them in at dusk every night and letting them out in the early AM to feed. If it’s warm or they are very young, put a small portable waterer in the koop before you close the door. They may have developed the habit of not going in, so do this for a week or two, then see if they...
  14. ForensicNurse

    Egg with no shell, no membrane

    One of mine just did that also. Yellow mess in the nest box. They were out roaming yesterday but eat Layer pellets (purina) and I also give them access to crushed eggshells. they are young and only laying less than a month. This may be a new layer or just ate too much “junk” grazing...
  15. ForensicNurse

    When did your earliest hen lay?

    My girl, Maranga, started at about 22 weeks about ONE week after the temperature went below 100F. she gives me an egg a day and struts her stuff as if she knows. Forget what breed she is. red & some white. Waiting for the rest of the flock to get the hint that hot summer is over!
  16. ForensicNurse

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    So initially, you have day old chicks and by the time they are a week or two you see their personalities start to develop. also, you might know what breed they are (or suppsed to be) like Whiting Blue turns into Blue and Blau (his girlfriend) who later became Mr Blue and Blau (2 Roosters) then...
  17. ForensicNurse

    Love my GIRLS (no BOYS allowed zone)

    Craigslist, and Next door. A werk after. Posted my guys, 50 other people put their roosters on there. SO MUCH FOR THAT IDEA! I went to my feed store and asked if they could take Mr Blue and sell him and take a commission (not this second). I asked if I went to the car and came back it would be...
  18. ForensicNurse

    Love my GIRLS (no BOYS allowed zone)

    They didn’t ship the cemanis. I will have to get them later somewhere local.
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