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  1. C

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Please keep us posted on how it goes if you go that route! Which chicks are you thinking about?? I almost got some Azure Eggers from them last year (at the last minute I canceled my order), but it's a good thing I didn't, since a few months later, we learned we have a Marek's positive flock...
  2. C

    2 hens - slow crop, green poop, lethargic - where to start?

    I have a flock of 5 hens - 2x 2yo, and 3x just 1 yo. 2 of the hens seem lethargic and not well; I checked everyone's crop yesterday morning and these 2 had not emptied overnight, though they were not hard, just not completely empty (and they didn't start particularly full the night before)...
  3. C

    egg peritonitis? something else? what do I do?

    UPDATE 2: Yesterday, Ameraucana seemed to be feeling better - she was closer to standard active behavior - scratching in the dirt, came running for treats. RSL (2.5y), who laid a shell-less egg Fri evening, seems to be off also - she went up to the roost early for bedtime, and was not running...
  4. C

    egg peritonitis? something else? what do I do?

    UPDATE 1: On second look, it did look like she was standing with her back end down (not just tail), as if she was trying to pass something, so I followed the directions in the article here on Egg Binding...
  5. C

    egg peritonitis? something else? what do I do?

    Hi there I have a 1 yo Ameraucana, Lavender. She just started molting for the first time and I feel like almost all of my chicken illnesses happen when they're molting .:( My spouse has recently taken an interest in helping with chicken care, but there have been some misses in communication...
  6. C

    Puffy eyes out of nowhere.

    I'm glad they're doing better and I hope that continues! I'm still new to chicken keeping and don't know much about chicken illnesses yet, but on the AQI front - being from CA, where we've dealt with lots and lots of wildfire smoke in the last few years, my guess is that the wildfire smoke...
  7. C

    Marek's-related - help me settle a debate

    Marek's positive flock (one hen died a little over a month ago - necropsied and diagnosed as Marek's). No one else has showed any symptoms before or after but, of course, everyone must be assumed a carrier. We have a cockerel that we can't legally keep. I've posted around, but no takers from...
  8. C

    California - Northern

    Yes, as far as I know. I had one hen die a month ago - had a necropsy done and default diagnosis was Marek's. No one else has been symptomatic before or after, but it's only been a little over a month since the first got sick.
  9. C

    California - Northern

    Another rooster post! I posted in the Bay Area forum a little while back, but I forgot that there was also a NorCal one. On the off-chance that someone has a Marek's resistance breeding project going - *Marek's flock* must got to another Marek's Flock! I've got a lovely Brahma-sized 4 month...
  10. C

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Not with any regularity, but I would be happy to plan a trip down. I have people in the South Bay that I should see more often than I do anyway.
  11. C

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Oops - I thought I included location but apparently I forgot! I will add that - I'm in Oakland.
  12. C

    Bay Area BYCers!

    It's a super long-shot, I know but, is there anyone in the area that also has a Marek's-positive flock and is either breeding for resistance, or just wants a pretty cockerel without risking exposing any new chicks to Marek's? I have a lovely Lavender Ameraucana x Brahma ("sage egger") 4 mo...
  13. C

    *MAREK'S FLOCK* Lavender Ameraucana x Brahma cockerel - Oakland, CA

    A super long-shot - *FROM A MAREK’S-POSITIVE FLOCK* 4 month-old Lavender Ameraucana x Brahma (best guess - he's a "sage egger") cockerel. He was vaccinated against Marek’s at 4 days old (NOT within 36h of hatch, as recommended), and has been asymptomatic thus far but must be considered a...
  14. C

    Likely Marek's flock - a few living-with-it questions

    Thank you both for your thoughts. It is so helpful to hear how others approach similar circumstances. My one thought on PCR testing at this point is that the Marek's diagnosis was by default - what was left after ruling out a bunch of the other possibilities. I guess I like certainty :lol: and...
  15. C

    unsteady/off-balance hen - what to look for?

    I did - thanks for checking. I don't get on here very often, and it's been a lot to think about. I was also hoping I'd hear back from the pathologist about whether or not I could order a PCR to confirm. Everything else was ruled out - Newcastle's, AI, heavy metal poisoning, so the default...
  16. C

    Marek's is taking over my flock and I'm not sure what to do

    I'm so sorry. I have no answers yet on what comes next - just that I can relate :(. I too just got a default diagnosis of Marek's from UC Davis very recently and am trying to process this. I'm all in for a Marek's support group/thread This was the first death and case in my flock (and she was...
  17. C

    Help I killed my chicken! Aspiration? (and Marek's problems)

    I'm so sorry you and your flock have had to deal with all of this. It's really hard to see any of them die, especially when it keeps happening despite your efforts to save them. I'm still learning about Marek's, but this does sound enough like Marek's that it would be worth getting a necropsy...
  18. C

    Bay Area BYCers!

    I forgot to add that if you do intend to drop off a sample at UCD, it is helpful to call first; they were able to answer my questions and give me specific directions to the drop-off. The current drop-off location is around the back of the building where there is a sign that says "Overnight...
  19. C

    Likely Marek's flock - a few living-with-it questions

    Preliminary necropsy results point to Marek's for my hen that just died. I'm trying to process how we proceed in the event that the other possibilities are ruled out (or we are stuck with a likely Marek's but no definitive diagnosis). A few issues I'm currently mulling over: 1. Who chicken...
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