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  1. stealthmayhem

    The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

    MY four feather babies (Jumbo Pekin) Next Hunt - Rose Comb Rooster
  2. stealthmayhem

    Round Two Starts Now! Shoe Poll included.

    Beautiful snake.
  3. stealthmayhem

    Cheated On

    kay, I am completely missing something.
  4. stealthmayhem

    Cheap incubator lol

    I have the same incubator. First, I kept the styrofoam it was packaged in. This helps stabilize the temps. Second, you can adjust both the humidity and temp levels for when the alarm should sound. Instructions for setting alarms (Youtube)
  5. stealthmayhem

    Join me on my Classroom Hatch-A-Long, support and advice appreciated!

    Awesome! The chewing/swallowing motion IS absorbing the yolk sac.
  6. stealthmayhem

    Chicken Orbs

    Aside from what has been said earlier, my main concern would be the chicken getting stuck in the underbrush. You only need one stick or branch to get into the orb, immobilizing it. Then chicken is a sitting Duck (pun intended)
  7. stealthmayhem


    How in the world have I not posted here before now?????? I currently live in the Wooside/Viola/Felton area and have too many chickens (not a real thing, I know) Currently I have 16 hens and 5 roos, with 7 6-week chicks(barnyard mix) and 24 3-week old chicks. I also play Dad (Yeah, I'm a guy)...
  8. stealthmayhem

    Official BYC Poll: Do Your Chickens Go Inside Their Coop When It Snows?

    My chickens spend the majority of their day in the coop if it is snowing. The only time that they leave is during feeding times. I have plenty of things to get them to go outside (toys, treats, etc.), but they are spoiled and want to stay inside where it is nice and warm-ish-er(?!?).
  9. stealthmayhem

    Official BYC Poll: What Bedding Do YOU Use in The Brooder?

    I use Flaked Pine shavings after the first week in the brooder. Prior to that, I use a shelf liner. I do not use shavings the first week because day-old chicks will eat ANYTHING.
  10. stealthmayhem

    Surprise nest

    I was wondering the same thing.....I am emotionally involved now.
  11. stealthmayhem

    Incubating eggs in the classroom- 13 of 22 eggs alive...does this look normal?? Help!

    That is what I was thinking as well, but I just wanted to make sure. But, where I live humidity is 68% on average, so I try to incubate at about 55%.
  12. stealthmayhem

    BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

    The friendliest breed that I have owned would have to be Rhode Island Red . I currently have RIR, Silver Wyandotte, Cuckoo Marans, Brown Leghorns, Americauna, and a whole bunch of barnyard mix (total of 59 birds as of today). Her name is "Red Chicken". It started off as "The Red Chicken", but...
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