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    Eva’s Friends

    Nice thread and great pictures of all your cute critters! You've got a beautiful bunch of babies (they're all babies to me no matter their age)!
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thank you! Yes!! I could watch them jump all day 😂
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thanks for reaching out @Nifty-Chicken ! All is well here in cajun country with my girls. I finally started letting them all out to roam around the yard a few hours a day instead of being cooped up in their run. They love jumping up trying to reach the mulberries and I get a kick out of watching...
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    Bumblefoot After Care

    Took her to the vet. He said we did a really good job on her foot and he gave her doxycycline antibiotic 50mg 1xday and meloxicam 3mg 1/2 pill 1xday for pain and inflammation. No stitches were necessary. Going to the vet and paying those high prices are a pain in the wallet but I like to look at...
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    Bumblefoot After Care

    A lil more info... She's eating normal. Never limped before or after removal. She's a tough girl!
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    Bumblefoot After Care

    I brought WeeWee to the vet a while back for bumblefoot in its early stage. He looked at it and told me that it wasn't going to come out. Gave me some anti-inflammatory pills and said to put a boot on her foot for a couple months. Well after a few days I noticed the boot just irritated her foot...
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    Lucky Looloo should be fine 💗💗. Whew! Vet says it doesn't look quite like squamous cell carcinoma, close but not it unless her skin starts toughening up and oozing from the bumps, then maybe. For now she says it's just fowl pox. Other than that, she looks and acts like she's in great health. I...
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    Ha! We have a chicken book too that we update with the different things we've gone through with the girls. Thanks for the link reference and kind words! 💗
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    Hopefully the vet will be familiar with it. She only deals with exotic pets and birds. Thanks for the not so recommend book lol. I might look in to it. I have a medical dictionary that may be helpful in breaking terms down for me. This site, along with other online researching has helped me save...
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    I thought they were regular blisters. The previous pic taken were difficult to see but was able to get a better picture and now I see...the two by her ear look cratered as well. I really should get some glasses 🤦‍♀️. She's got an appt Saturday with our vet. Going to have some tests done. I'll...
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    I really hope not!! Im hopeful its not meriks. She's her usual goofy active self. Eating, drinking, poop looks great. Shes got two of the crater like lesions but the rest if the bumps look like regular blisters so far. The one on her beak is finally crusting up. I'll try n sift through her...
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    A few of my girls didn't get the pox when it was running through the flock, I believe she was one of them.
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    Thank you both! Ill tey the iodine. I checked in her mouth. Looks good but then I noticed these on her leg and knee. Can they get pox on their legs?? Or bumble leg? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Fowl pox, round 2 or something else?

    Hello! My flock had chicken pox probably 4 months ago. Everything cleared up and all was fine and now I have a hen getting blister looking things on her face. Been reading around and when I get home from work I will check the inside of her mouth. I haven't done that yet as I had no idea about...
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hi! I have 5 small mixed breed chickens a year old that stopped laying in the heat of summer and haven't started back up yet🤷‍♀️. Bought 9 more (2 barred rocks, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 black stars, 3 Easter eggers) and aquired another mix breed from my aunt in June. 8 of them started laying at...
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    Hello from South Louisiana

    Hi from the nola area! Welcome to BYC ☺️
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    2 month old easter egger hard time breathing

    Ended up taking her to the vet. It was a string wrapped around and embedded under her tongue. The vet couldn't even pull it out. She had to sedate her and make a little slice under her tongue to get it out. She's a little drunk but will be fine 💗
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    2 month old easter egger hard time breathing

    Ok, so I believe theres something, a feather maybe, wrapped around her tongue. Either that or theres an extra piece of flap that's supposed to be attached to her tongue. I pulled it forward and out of her airway. No more wheezing sound or gasping for air. Tried to pull it out but she starts...
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