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  1. TheBarredRockerMama


    oh ok, so coop and run should be different?
  2. TheBarredRockerMama


  3. TheBarredRockerMama


    Ok burning question that you might have answered lots of times, so here it goes. Coop perches, what size diameter for grown barred rocks? square? round? wood? rope-wrapped? flat?:confused:
  4. TheBarredRockerMama

    Review by 'TheBarredRockerMama' in article 'The Chick Inn'

    This is the kind of coop i want to build. Love it, well done, and thank you for sharing. Does anyone have a materials list for a coop/run like this for 10 chicks?
  5. TheBarredRockerMama


    Some pictures from this morning. Growing fast...
  6. TheBarredRockerMama

    Thank you.

    Thank you.
  7. TheBarredRockerMama

    hi, newbie here in sac near arc.

    hi, newbie here in sac near arc.
  8. TheBarredRockerMama


    So ive been looking on here for quite a while before joining. I am gonna copy "wichita coop/the palace/boisemarkers coop. got my dimensions and a spot in the yard. do you know where any of these coops have a materials list i can custom?
  9. TheBarredRockerMama

    Learning how to navigate in here

    Learning how to navigate in here
  10. TheBarredRockerMama

    Thank you

    Thank you
  11. TheBarredRockerMama


    Im gonna look at some coop designs, any tips?
  12. TheBarredRockerMama


    New to BYC. I currently have 9 barred rock chicks who are a week old. We are starting our coop build this weekend. This is my first flock and loving every minute of it. We are in Sacramento, CA and cant wait to gain some new/useful info. Thank you for having me.
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