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  1. enchant_rose

    Review by 'enchant_rose' in article 'Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!'

    I absolutely love this! So entertaining and a neat idea!
  2. enchant_rose

    New here!

    Welcome to BYC! You'll find that we're a fun, helpful, and just a bit crazy, community!
  3. enchant_rose

    I need help...

    So, I have some news... She seemed so much better, eating and moving around pretty normally, but this evening I went out there to find her dead. :( I am really upset about this, and I wish I could've done better. I will miss her, but there is nothing I can do now.
  4. enchant_rose

    I need help...

    She is about 2 years old and still lays pretty well. I’ve given her some calcium in her water already. Her droppings are pretty wet and smell especially bad. She is eating and drinking.
  5. enchant_rose

    I need help...

    She is pooping often. She is also drinking. I can go ahead and giver her a TUMS and see what happens. Thank you!
  6. enchant_rose

    I need help...

    She has been like that for about a day now.
  7. enchant_rose

    I need help...

    Hello BYC. I have a problem... I’ve had this hen who seemed a little “sick” for a while. She’s had a really pasty butt, and seemed to be getting picked on by the others. At first I wasn’t too worried about it, but today she started collapsing and sitting in an odd way. I think it might be egg...
  8. enchant_rose

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-04-22 Pic by Sc_chickengirl

    They take chick food to a whole new level
  9. enchant_rose

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 02-04-22 Pic by MGG

    Well, I finally have my ducks in a row… Well kind of…
  10. enchant_rose

    Chicken Conformation Showing

    That is so helpful! Thank you so so much!!
  11. enchant_rose

    Hot Topics

    1) The best incubator- hatching eggs 2) Chicken vaccines- flock management/health I don’t know what else. This is the best I’ve got.
  12. enchant_rose

    Tiny egg?

    The other day I was collecting eggs and came across this little guy. I don’t have any bantams or young hens, but I found this guy. I’m not too worried about it, but I just thought it was funny so I wanted to share. egg
  13. enchant_rose


  14. enchant_rose

    Poultry Humor Central

    Why did the chicken cross the road?
  15. enchant_rose

    Chicken Conformation Showing

    Hello BYC!! I am actually looking into showing chickens in conformation events. I couldn't do meat chickens. :lau Anyways, I have a couple of questions for anyone who might know the answer! 1) What breeds are best? I like the Silver Spangled Hamburg, but are there any better breed options? 2)...
  16. enchant_rose

    Who can reply last on this thread?

    I'll try?? :idunno
  17. enchant_rose

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 01-28-22 Pic by NevadaEmma

    Mrs. Goose decided she was getting bored of managing her flock, so she switched her life over to focus on her secret passion, modeling wedding dresses.
  18. enchant_rose

    Wyandotte actually.

    Wyandotte actually.
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