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  1. Big Spur Gamecock

    Big Spur Gamecocks Page

    Howdy Y'all, I live on almost 10 acres in a rural part of South Carolina near the port city of Charleston along the coast. We, my wife, son, and I are the keepers of Dark Cornish, Buff Orpingtons that we sale the eggs from. In addition, the are 20 bantams of various types that we use for our...
  2. Big Spur Gamecock

    New Possum....on my Patio...

    Without going through all responses, why don't you just stop leaving catfood out all night or using a pellet rifle, paintball gun or just a trusty ol .22 to shoot the rascal and all who follow, they're great target practice. If you choose your sight placement correctly they will have a chance to...
  3. Big Spur Gamecock

    My Mcmurray chicks are coming in March...and i need names!

    I had a buff laced polish rooster a little over a year ago and his name was "RockStar." Even over a year later people still ask about that big haired Rockstar. Sure was one of my most popular chickens! Still seems like a great name for that breed. Another of the names I used for the others like...
  4. Big Spur Gamecock

    OK, i have to vent...

    I agree with the Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up method. If the ladies dog keeps getting out and coming over, it can be handled and you just say that you haven't seen it. It's more than likely leaving crap on other peoples property and annoying other as well. Here in SC we all shoot dogs that city...
  5. Big Spur Gamecock


    I got a 86% Dixie. Growing up in Texas imprints a powerful feeling on a young persons mind. I remember while in Kindergarten singing songs braging about being Texan and that the "Eyes of Texas" where always on you. Really did have an effect on us when we played football in high school as all my...
  6. Big Spur Gamecock

    Frizzle or Bantam Cochin pics...... anyone?

    Howdy, I have Cochin Bantams from MM and they are very nice little birds. You mentioned that you were gonna order a light brahma and wanted to see one. I haven't been able to get any pictures to upload yet but wanted you to picture a seagull in your mind, now give it a chicken body and you have...
  7. Big Spur Gamecock

    Brace yourselves, feed prices are going to rise!!!!

    Howdy Friends, I don't know what your Wally Worlds carry but mine carry local produce and local outdoor supplies, and of course, the hated stuff made in china, a country which I detest. Most of the feed we get around here comes from around here. I've heard where a certain political party has...
  8. Big Spur Gamecock

    Murray order received DOA

    Howdy Y'all, Sorry to read about your complete loss. MM is a great company that has replaced all the dead ones Ive received from cold weather ordering. I had 12 salmon faverolles all die when all other breeds lived that were shipped last year 'bout this time. I have given up on raising SF's as I...
  9. Big Spur Gamecock

    BYC Online Poultry Show.

    How do we post pictures? I haven't been able to figure it out. There sure are some beautiful birds being posted!
  10. Big Spur Gamecock

    Brace yourselves, feed prices are going to rise!!!!

    Hey Y'all, Maybe if everyone calls their local Walmart and ask the manager to start carrying the various forms of Chicken feeds they could get the price breaks that individuals can't. All our Walmart's have huge pet supply dept's. but do not stock chicken feeds. That could change if WE ALL start...
  11. Big Spur Gamecock

    Prices for eggs

    Howdy Y'all, I feel as though I've been getting ripped after reading what y'all charge for your eggs. I've been selling mine, large browns at a Buck fifty for 18. Sounds like I should go up at least .50 cents. Those ol boys down at the power company been buying up every egg I have for years...
  12. Big Spur Gamecock

    ummy ummy treats for chickens!

    Chicken Treats? My flock loves days old bread(cheap at bread store), chopped collards & turnip greens, strawberry tops, tomatoes, cucumbers peels, pumpkins busted up pieces and you'll get back a paper thin shell, watermellon, now thats funny to watch! Basically, they like most everything we do...
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