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  1. J

    Will taking a bully hen out for awhile work in my flock?

    I have 9 hens (no rooster) and the 8th (8 months old) on the hierarchy bullies the bottom one, 9th (also 8 months old). She always pecks the 9th and whenever the 9th is in the nesting box, she chases her away even though she doesn't want to lay herself. The 9th happened to be my favorite as she...
  2. J

    My chicken's foot got wet and froze at 14F. What to do?

    My husband put a bowl of water in the coop when it's 14F this morning. (I told him not to, explaining that they will knock the bowl over, but he did it anyways while I was sleeping. He admitted that he was being a knucklehead and is now apologetic and repentant, according to his words.) That was...
  3. J

    What are the benefits of big coops?

    I'm building a run and a coop again and hoping third time's a charm. The new covered 12'X22' run will be completely predator proof with hardware cloth and the chickens will have access 24/7 to the run from the coop. It's pretty mild in the winter here, usually around 40F. The lowest was 10F and...
  4. J

    Is it better to lock a broody hen or let her roam to break her out of it?

    When I had broody hens, I either lock them in a 3'x4' box with a mesh floor, let them roam outside or keep them in a 6'x8' coop with no access to nesting boxes. I couldn't for sure say which method was better but keeping them in a bigger space might've worked a bit better than keeping them in...
  5. J

    Is it okay to give cold, wet feed to chickens in the winter?

    I give my chickens wet layer's feed and they eat it in the afternoon and the next morning. The feed doesn't get frozen yet but I'm wondering if it's not good for them to eat cold and wet food first thing in the morning. Or, is it okay as long as it's not frozen?
  6. J

    Looking for the post showing how to soak a chicken with a laundry hamper

    I think I recently saw a posting here, explaining how to soak a chicken (for egg bounding, etc.) using a laundry hamper upside down. The laundry hamper was to prevent a chicken from getting out. Can anybody locate this post? I can't remember the details and I wish I had saved the image showing...
  7. J

    Scab on a deep wound on the chicken stomach

    I have a pullet that was bitten by a dog 26 days ago and she's slowly healing. The wound is a combination of a cut and deep puncture and it's been gradually sealing up from the lower, shallower part. Now the upper part seems to be sealing up too but the scab is still very thick and big and I can...
  8. J

    Extra light for pullets

    I have 5 Light Sussex pullets that are point of lay. Their mother hens who were hatched early April last year started to lay at the end of August and these pullets were hatched early May this year so I was hoping they would start laying the end of September. But no one's laying yet. Well, the...
  9. J

    Food for injured hens? (pics of injuries included)

    Two of my chickens got bitten by a dog 5 days ago and have been treated separately. They are not eating much of the usual feed but they gobble up scrambled eggs, oats or scratch when I give a little too them. Still, the amount they eat daily seems quite a bit less than their usual intake as I...
  10. J

    Another chicken got bitten on the stomach. Will she live?

    The pic didn't show another inch of cut at the end. The cut is so big that I'm not sure if she'll live or I should put her down.
  11. J

    My chicken got bitten by a dog. What to do?

    Should I wash it? There are three open wounds. I have saline solution and peroxide. Which is better? I can't bring her to a vet. What can I do to treat her? Thank you. P.S. I'm trying to get Manuka honey and antibiotics. Which one should I use?
  12. J

    Can you fry dual purpose chickens?

    I'm processing Light Sussex cockerels at 14 and 16 weeks. Will they be tender enough to be fryers? Or should they be cooked slowly for a long time?
  13. J

    Do I need a vent in my coop even when the door is always open?

    I'm planning to attach a 3'X6' coop to a 6'X8' coop/run. This covered 6X8 space was originally intended for my chickens to sleep in as well but it's a bit hard to keep it draft free especially around the human door. So I decided to attach a small space to it for them to roost at night. The 3'X6'...
  14. J

    Is it okay to freeze birds without resting?

    I have 7 cockerels to process in a month but I don't have enough fridge space to rest them all. I've read that you can freeze them right after butchering without resting and keep them in the fridge for awhile before you eat them. Is that true? Or should I process them a few at a time instead of...
  15. J

    Should I cull an aggressive, lone pullet?

    I have a loner pullet in a free range setting that has been perching alone very high far away from her siblings while they sleep together on the floor or on a lower perch in the coop. It doesn't seem that she was bullied. It looks like she's the one who doesn't want to be with her own flock and...
  16. J

    Broody or egg peritonitis?

    I lost a hen a couple of days after she went supposedly 'broody'. On Sunday, I found her sitting in the nesting box screaming when I got near. She was like that a couple months ago and I broke her broodiness by locking her up in a chicken jail for a few days. So I did it again right away and...
  17. J

    What kind of dog would be good for me and my chickens?

    I want to keep free ranging my chickens but it's so hard because we have lots of eagles, owls and ravens on the top of minks around here. I just lost a mother hen of 2-week-old chicks. It was due to my stupid mistake and I'm so upset and sad. I've been wanting to get a dog for my chickens and...
  18. J

    I got a 10-week-old cockerel for my hens. Was it a mistake?

    I had Light Sussex one-year-old rooster and 10 hens that were raised together as chicks by me and the rooster turned out to be human aggressive. He kicked everyone but me and even attacked mother hens for some reason. After trying hard to fix him, I eventually gave him away and got a 10-week-old...
  19. J

    Separating an aggressive hen

    One of my 9 free-ranged hens is getting more aggressive with other hens. She used to be the bottom but now she keeps fighting other hens and goes up the pecking order. One hen lost a part of her comb and another got a bunch of broken wing feathers and I suspect the culprit is the same chicken...
  20. J

    Should I feed a broody hen in lockdown?

    When my first broody hen hatched eggs I fed her food and water in the nest and she didn't come out for 3 or 4 days until chicks were all hatched. She pooped in the corner of the nest without soiling the eggs or chicks. Should I do the same to my second broody hen? Or was I being too fussy with...
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