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  1. M

    Cracked corn feed

    Good points, they do just pick out the corn and don’t eat anything else. I think I’ll be switching back to my layena feed. The grain elevator did say there is a lot of nutritional benefit ingredients and a good amount of protein, but they’re only eating the corn, so seems like a waste.
  2. M

    Cracked corn feed

    Wanting some opinions on Feed. I have year and a half old hens who have been on Purina Layena crumbles only after their starter feed . I recently went to my local grain elevator to start getting Feed there because I can get so much more for cheaper cost. they sell a homemade feed with local...
  3. M

    Bare belly, redness & crusty feathers

    Ok thanks for the reply! Mine might be laying in wet mulch but other than that I don’t know. I’ll try doing epsom salt baths and applying hen healer and see how she looks
  4. M

    Bare belly, redness & crusty feathers

    Hi, I know this is an older post, but curious how your chicken healed up or how she’s doing now? I have one that has the same red skin and feather loss on her belly and have no idea what’s it’s from. Thanks
  5. M

    Hen has lost feathers on belly and skin is quite red

    Hi, I know this is a very old post, but curious how your chicken was/is doing? I have one that looks exactly the same and has for weeks and I have no idea what’s it’s from. She’s otherwise acting completely normal. Thanks
  6. M

    Hen has lost feathers on belly and skin is quite red

    Hi, I know this is a very old post, but curious how this chicken of yours was/is doing? I have a one that looks exactly the same and has for weeks and I have no idea what it’s from. Thanks
  7. M

    Skin concern

    Thanks, those are great ideas to consider. My initial thought was the same, maybe something to do with her laying down or roosting, because the redness is only on her belly, but I did notice a few broken off feathers under her wings without any irritation to her skin. Maybe her skin is irritated...
  8. M

    Skin concern

    My year and a half old hen has some major redness in a linear pattern from below her vent, under her belly, up under her crop. The rest of her body looks fine. Most skin has no feathers but the feathers that are there look like they’ve been pulled off with a small bit of the quill still there...
  9. M

    Green beans

    Okay, thanks!
  10. M

    Green beans

    Okay, question about canned cooked vegetables for chickens. I give my chickens fresh fruit like strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, spinach and lettuce, but have never given them any Veges other than pumpkin. So wanting to give my girls something good for them, I read cooked green beans are...
  11. M

    Broody hen sitting on unfertilized eggs

    So I have a just under year old hen who I just recently discovered is definitely broody sitting on two fake eggs I used to teach the hens where to lay that I’ve just kept in the nest box and her own eggs she lays. She’s a golden laced Wyandotte. I have 5 other year old hens. I do not have a...
  12. M

    Head shaking

    Nares are clear. Throat is clear. She’s pretty tough to allow me to inspect her head much, but she is definitely scratching more now and so is most of my little flock. I ordered elector psp, because of the scratching and otherwise normal behavior and appearance, I’m assuming it’s lice or mites...
  13. M

    Head shaking

    She’s scratching occasionally at her head, but definitely not a lot. I didn’t see any visible mites. Her skin on her head does look slightly more irritated, but not bad. Honesty, I couldn’t see her ears! I’ll try to look in her throat tomorrow. Thx
  14. M

    Head shaking

    Hello, I have a 9 month old americauna who over the past few days has been constantly shaking her head. She did have a dirty vent with some poo stuck to the feathers around her vent, which I trimmed off. She’s also appearing to be losing some feathers from the top of her head. She usually lays...
  15. M

    Hen not acting normally

    Not molting or broody. It is cold here in mid Missouri, but not very. 40 daytime 20s at night. But we did just have a few oddly warm days in 70s. I used the DE on them outside.
  16. M

    Hen not acting normally

    The past couple days 1 of my 6 hens is not acting herself. Definitely possible nothing at all is wrong, but just seeing if there’s anything you all can think of as to why she’s not acting normally. She’s a Plymouth barred rock 8 mos old and is definitely one of the top in the pecking order of my...
  17. M

    Concern for Comb infection

    One of my chickens has a scab on her comb from being pecked. I noticed there is swelling localized around the scab site that is soft and warm. There is no bleeding or drainage. She is otherwise acting normally and looks healthy. Wondering the best way to care for this and treat what looks like...
  18. M

    Fleas in coop bedding

  19. M

    Fleas in coop bedding

    I noticed what I believe are fleas crawling around in the pine shavings/hemp bedding in my coop, but specially underneath the hanging feeder. I have not seen any changes on my chickens skin or faces. Hoping I can get rid of them before it gets worse. I plan on removing all old bedding first. I...
  20. M

    Rainfall muddy coop and run solutions

    I’ll check out the article, thanks!
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