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  1. Dynasty and Delta

    Drakes getting aggressive

    Is it possible I put a barrier between the two of them while they are in the pen, but when free ranging should I keep them separate?
  2. Dynasty and Delta

    Drakes getting aggressive

    Hello BYC, I only have two drakes and no other ducks. I thought if you only had drakes with no hens present they would get along nicely. Well my two drakes last summer fought quite frequently and they are now starting to get aggressive towards each other again. One of them also tends to attack...
  3. Dynasty and Delta

    Duck ate plastic should i be concerned?!

    Yes, he is doing great👍! He hasn't had any problems and I am pretty sure it would've passed through his system by now. Thanks for following up 😁
  4. Dynasty and Delta

    Duck ate plastic should i be concerned?!

    That sounds more natural; I'll start to do that from now on thanks for the tip.
  5. Dynasty and Delta

    Duck ate plastic should i be concerned?!

    I mix grit in the feed they are given twice a day, so hopefully that will help.
  6. Dynasty and Delta

    Duck ate plastic should i be concerned?!

    Hello BYC, today one of my ducks ate a small piece of brittle plastic. It looks like it came off from an old weathered feed bag. I'm not to worried, but is there anything I should be aware of and anything I could do? This is what plastic looked like
  7. Dynasty and Delta

    Best feed for California show bunnies?

    Hello BYC. I am getting my show rabbits this Thursday and it will be my second time raising show rabbits. I would like to do better in the show this year than last year and was wondering what the best type of feed would be for the job.
  8. Dynasty and Delta

    Ended Waterfowl & Water Photo Contest

    Thank you so much this made my day!😁
  9. Dynasty and Delta

    Anymore niacin treats?

    Hey Duck side of BYC. I know that insects, fish, and peas are great niacin filled treats for ducks, but does anyone know anymore niacin rich treats I can give them? Also does anybody know of those Manna pro floating duck disc treats are good for niacin or just in general for ducks?
  10. Dynasty and Delta

    Slight leg twitch

    Alright thanks😁. Starting today at their dinner time I will put in a tab of nutritional yeast. Since this isn't a urgent case I won't put it in their breakfast since they seem to eat more at night and waste a lot of feed during the day.
  11. Dynasty and Delta

    Slight leg twitch

    I have been feeding purina duck pellets and I heard a of mix answers on whether I should be adding a supplement or if this feed has enough niacin. Well starting today I will be adding small amounts of nutritional yeast. When will the effects of adding nutritional yeast kick in?
  12. Dynasty and Delta

    Slight leg twitch

    Hello BYC. For a long time I have noticed that one of my ducks legs twitch occasionally. He isn't in pain, not limping, and in fact just totally ignores it. He walks, runs, lands on it, swims, stands on it, sleeps on it, and gets in and out of the kiddy pool on it. He did have a case of...
  13. Dynasty and Delta

    What should duck poo look like?

    Hey BYC today I have kind of a strange question. What should duck poo look like? I have had ducks for almost a year now and was curious to see if their poo looks healthy or if I need to make improvements to my care for them?
  14. Dynasty and Delta

    Should i give my ducks B complex, brewers yeast, or nutritional yeast for niacin?

    Thanks for all the great advice. I have raised them on purina duck pellets for 7 months now and have had little to no problems. But, just to be safe I am gonna buy some nutritional yeast and sprinkle a tablespoon of it on their pellets every night(they seem to eat their more at night than when I...
  15. Dynasty and Delta

    Should i give my ducks B complex, brewers yeast, or nutritional yeast for niacin?

    I am doing this as prevention against niacin deficiency. So for my case you recommend sprinkling nutritional yeast on their feed correct?
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