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  1. Chipmunk Chicks

    What should I do?! I thought this egg was dead but its not.

    Can you increase the humidity?
  2. Chipmunk Chicks

    Day 6 - Are these all yolkers?

    Sorry, I was trying to conserve space with the other kind of spoiler boxes. I guess I'm kind of rusty with this whole BYC thing! Lol
  3. Chipmunk Chicks

    Day 6 - Are these all yolkers?

    Hey guys, this is my first hatch from my favorite Black Australorp hen, Sydney, and my great big, gorgeous rooster, Othello. I am kind of bummed here. I see one egg looks pretty porous, and the rest...? I just don't see anything that looks like clear development. I thought I would be seeing...
  4. Chipmunk Chicks

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi guys!!! Sorry I've been away and it's taken me so long to reply to @Nifty-Chicken 's kind request! We are here, still chickening away! We did re-home our dicks sadly, but it's made our chores quite a bit easier only having one kind of bird to care for. We also lost our big white dog...
  5. Chipmunk Chicks

    Chicken antibiotics

    Well, she's my chicken. Could she have had that sort of respiratory infection without me realizing? What would the other symptoms be? We discovered mites in the coop, so this past month we have been battling that. Pulled out all of our usual deep bedding and put down cardboard and minimal...
  6. Chipmunk Chicks

    Chicken antibiotics

    Here entire footpad is completely swollen on each foot (circled in blue), and there is what looks like only a tiny speck of a plug in the middle. It looks to me as if I could have seen a plug previously, and was able to push it out, but maybe there was still active infection going on...
  7. Chipmunk Chicks

    Chicken antibiotics

    I tried that yesterday to start, but there is almost no scab / plug, so I can't really scrape it with my nail like I wanted.
  8. Chipmunk Chicks

    Chicken antibiotics

    I just noticed yesterday one of my chickens has tiny little bumbles, with very very puffy, swollen footpads. I gave her a soak, but it's way too tightly plugged for it to push out any time soon. Is Fish Mox a good choice to treat this type of infection? I also have fish pen.
  9. Chipmunk Chicks

    You’re not a buff Orpington

    The coloring maybe looks similar, but my Ruby doesn't have any muff / beard action going on. I'd say EE is a safe enough bet!
  10. Chipmunk Chicks

    Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

    I'm a fellow February 80s baby as well! 😇
  11. Chipmunk Chicks

    Noob, help

    Welcome! I'm glad you were able to get her some meds. It felt very intimidating for me the first time I had to give my pullets a pill, but I got it done and it wasn't as hard as I thought, plus I know I'm a little better chicken keeper for it. Syringes can be tricky. If you have someone who...
  12. Chipmunk Chicks

    We have a rooster!

    Yeah, I just wish I had a bigger coop and run already. You would wag your finger at me! :oops: Hahah. I sort of feel like my coop is maxed out already with the 12 girls, so I would be clearing the four extra Australorps out of the way temporarily to make room for him to sleep in the coop...
  13. Chipmunk Chicks

    9 week old Erminette Chicken sexing

    Oh wow! I'm sorry to hear that! But that does sound lucky they were able to replace their stock that way. That's wild. Maybe I will think twice about get them.... Lol
  14. Chipmunk Chicks

    We have a rooster!

    Yeah, I will keep and eye and play by ear. In the meantime, at least I gave him a little bumpout with four baby gate panels so he can step out onto the grass with no cover while I'm out there. This is the project pen he's in, so it's kind of low to the ground, but it's got cover from the rain...
  15. Chipmunk Chicks

    Looking for breed recommendations to add to our flock of 5

    Okay, that last bit is not true. That's just a ridiculous rumor and I remember seeing that thread where the lady walked it back. Please try not to spread misinformation like that. I don't believe they are intentionally mistreating or being cruel to the animals. Yes, there are mix-ups. But...
  16. Chipmunk Chicks

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    I would love to find out, too! I'm not yet ready to execute, and I'm still working out what breeds I might use, but I have heard the crosses usually are better layers! How is your plan going?
  17. Chipmunk Chicks

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    I think it's partially hybrid vigor, but moreso just knowing and being able to sort what you've hatched right away, plus the ability to simplify your brooding setup by marketing "guaranteed female chicks" and getting them out the door ASAP. There may still be chicks that don't sell right away...
  18. Chipmunk Chicks

    NEW HERE, looking for COOP inspo

    So yeah what she's saying is like 35 sqft is enough run space for 3.5 chickens. Please don't get 3.5 chickens. Unless they have bantams!?? 🤔 I digress. Yes, extra ventilation and fortification will be essential to making a coop like that work, too. Don't be afraid to cut holes, and then...
  19. Chipmunk Chicks

    NEW HERE, looking for COOP inspo

    Yeah, so that is still good for 3-4 chickens. If you want to grow your flock down the road, I would definitely consider converting a shed. Though your playhouse might work as a second mini coop for another 3-4 if you build a bigger run connecting the two? Both coops are a little tight, but...
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