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  1. Melissa93063

    New coop build for new chicks

    Wow! This is great work! I wish I had seen your posts before I started on my own hen house project! That said, I am coming to understand that half the fun of having chickens is undertaking various projects to accommodate them - again and again!
  2. Melissa93063

    My turn for a new coop build - 8'x9' overall

    Looks great! Thanks for posting. I'm in the middle of a similar coop build with a similar reason (flock bigger than expected, purchased coop not nearly big enough) and am happy to see your pictures - validates what I am doing myself.
  3. Melissa93063

    Do You Think Max is Really Maxine?

    Interesting. What is the "SOP"?
  4. Melissa93063

    Do You Think Max is Really Maxine?

    Thank you! She was sold as an Americaunus.
  5. Melissa93063

    Travel Thread

    Thank you!!
  6. Melissa93063

    Travel Thread

    Cool mapping app you've got. What is it?
  7. Melissa93063

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Today in the garden I put netting over my raspberries so my crafty chickens can't get any more of them.
  8. Melissa93063

    The story of mango....the best sun conure VERY LONG POST ever

    Mango was a gorgeous parrot! Looks very friendly. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sad story.
  9. Melissa93063


    Welcome! Nice looking chickens you got there. This website is great! You'll love it.
  10. Melissa93063

    Do You Think Max is Really Maxine?

    Thank you! This is great news! I'm now thinking that I have ZERO roosters and we'll be building a bigger coop. This chicken hobby is fun!
  11. Melissa93063

    Do You Think Max is Really Maxine?

    Thank you! I guess she is Miss Personality! What do you think about Myrtle? Do you think she's really Moe? (she is dead center in the picture of the whole flock)
  12. Melissa93063

    Do You Think Max is Really Maxine?

    I've got nine 12-week old chickens (3 RIRs, 3 Barre Rocks and 3 "Americaunus" (that's what they were sold as)). We are newbie chicken parents. We didn't buy "sexed" chicks but were hopeful that, out of nine, we'd get at least six hens. Up until last night (when I started poking around on this...
  13. Melissa93063

    New member from Olympic Peninsula

    Yes - normal looking.
  14. Melissa93063

    New member from Olympic Peninsula

    Love this website! We got 9 newly hatched chicks about a week ago and are enjoying them a lot. They are fun to watch! One little chick, initially the "bully" of the group, has started to languish a bit over the past few days (lethargic, sleeps/lays down a lot and, notably, stopped bullying...
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