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  1. Z

    Serama egg pipped on wrong side

    Of course! I love showing off my babies! Here he is with my daughter. (I’m loving the pattern on his wings that’s coming in!)
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    Serama egg pipped on wrong side

    My chick made some progress but ultimately, after 34 hours he had stalled and I noticed he was still upside down and trying to kick his way out, all while chirping like crazy, so I took him out at that point and the membrane around him had completely dried up since he had been in there so long...
  3. Z

    Serama chick won’t lay down?

    Thank you! I was so worried for the little guy, and am glad it looks normal. Im so excited to watch these guys grow, I’ve been wanting some for a while!
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    Serama chick won’t lay down?

    This video shows as close to lying down as he will get,
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    Serama chick won’t lay down?

    Thank you for your reply! I’ve never had seramas before so maybe this is typical for them. The picture I’ve attached shows the chick standing while everyone else is sleeping, and the other two photos show how much taller it’s posture is than the others when standing. It’s still not lying down...
  6. Z

    Serama chick won’t lay down?

    I have 4 newly hatched chicks as of yesterday, but 1 of the 4 stands straight up all the time. Like not only is it standing up all the time it stands much more straight than the other chicks. It will not squat its legs to lay down on its tummy like the rest of the chicks. I have caught it kind...
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    Serama egg pipped on wrong side

    Thank you, I’ve hatched a lot of eggs, but have never had this happen. It looks like it has made some progress, it is still chirping occasionally. From what I can tell, I do not see a beak or a puncture through the membrane yet. But again, it’s hard to tell at this angle and I don’t want to open...
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    Serama egg pipped on wrong side

    I have a small batch of serama eggs that I ordered in my incubator and as I was removing my rotator to put them on lockdown this morning, I noticed a pip (this one is early) It looks like the shell is broken just a bit but the membrane looks to be intact. I quickly candled it as I assumed the...
  9. Z

    Single chick hatched, seems lonely

    Unfortunately, our incubator crapped out on us in the middle of our incubation process and we only got one chick out of it. It keeps chirping looking for some friends, so we do visits with it and it seems content to cuddle with us for a while but as soon as it goes in the brooder, it’s...
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    8 week old pullet, one eye closed, lethargic

    I just went out to find one my 7 8 week olds laid over on her side in the coop. When I approached she ran. But was panting and acting lethargic. I brought her inside because it is very hot and humid here, we did turn on the fan in the coop earlier today but the humidity is still terrible. I...
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    Foamy Eye treatment?

    I have a female duck with pretty bad foamy eye. Unfortunately all of my ducks have a suspected respiratory viral issue going on. They are all kind of sneezing/coughing. Still eating and drinking normally, acting normal otherwise. Just the one duck has foamy eye and she's shaking her head a lot...
  12. Z

    Strange illness in flock

    She is lethargic and has the green diarrhea but no increased thirst, swollen eyes, or purple comb/wattle. We do have field mice on the property but I’m not sure whether they’ve made it into the coop. I’ve never seen any evidence but of course it’s possible.
  13. Z

    Strange illness in flock

    I was thinking if they all did have coccidiosis, since most of them are 100% better. I checked this morning once again and there’s only one that’s displaying signs of diarrhea she is still acting normal and eating. She was one of the ones that was really sick about a week ago. The other sickest...
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    Strange illness in flock

    Diet is Dumor brand layer crumbles from TS. They've been on it for a long time, I haven't switched. We don't really do treats, but when we do it's either meal worms from TS, or scratch grains from TS but that's rarely. I checked for mites and lice and didn't find any evidence of them.
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    Strange illness in flock

    I posted a couple of weeks back about some of my flock being sick. I treated them with Corid and I did a round of dewormer for good measure. The sickest ones have mostly recovered and I hadn’t noticed any other sick chickens until the other day when I posted about my chicken with the pale comb...
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    I have had issues with diarrhea running through my flock, all of them seem to be better except one. She has a pale comb and has started running a fever today. She is listless. I've given nutridrench. I have oxytetracycline 200mg/ml My chicken weighs 6 pounds and at 5mg per pound that's 30mg...
  17. Z

    Chicken with a faded/pale comb.

    A week or so ago I posted here asking for help because my chickens were sick and some of them were having diarrhea. I followed the advice of everyone and treated them all for coccidiosis. I continued electrolytes and have kept a close eye on them. I also started safeguard dewormer after I...
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    Free ranging vs Predators; How cautious should I be?

    I had a similar situation with where we used to live! We had an acre of fenced backyard that I let the chickens free range, and we lived in a subdivision with lots of close neighbors so there wasn't a lot of wildlife. I think it just depends on what you're comfortable with. There's lots of...
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    HELP! My chickens are sick and I don't know what to do! *PICS*

    I did! The one that was the worst (the chicken in quarantine) is now standing and scratching, eating grass through the crate, and generally acting like she feels a little better. I added electrolytes to the water for the entire flock to encourage them to drink. I've been going in to check them...
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