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  1. R

    Chickens didn’t die

    Welcome! I absolutely adore the nesting box picture! So cute!
  2. R

    Coop maintenance for small shed

    Super cute!!! Definitely looks like it could use some more ventilation to keep it from getting steamy/stinky/ and to minimize respiratory issues for your chickens
  3. R

    Growing my little flock

    I am enjoying this thread so much!😊
  4. R

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 475,000 Members!

    9/18/2022 at 7pm eastern ☺️
  5. R

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    Other…for me it’s the WAITING! 😂😂😂 waiting for sexing…waiting for eggs….and I’m sure waiting for hatching is going to be hard too when I get to that point!
  6. R

    First Night In New Coop

    Thank you for that! Solid rules! I appreciate your input!
  7. R

    First Night In New Coop

    Th Thank you so much for that! Can I just say that I have read so many threads, comments and articles and truly appreciate your wisdom!?! You have helped me in so many ways...more than I can say! ❤️
  8. R

    First Night In New Coop

    Thanks so much for the input! I’m planning on adding more roosts (along the back wall) and a bit more ventilation along the back wall. I’m so tickled that they took to the coop/roost so well (so far) but I’m a new mama so I worry LOL.
  9. R

    First Night In New Coop

    Om OMG. I was tiptoeing outside in the middle of the night thinking “I am officially a crazy chicken lady”. (It was the going out in my nightgown that confirmed it for me) 😩😂😂. I’m totally ok with that! Crazy chicken ladies UNITE!🙌
  10. R

    First Night In New Coop

    Hello All! So last night was move in day for my babies into their new coop. There are still some tweaks and additions we plan on making but there was no reason to keep them out of their new home any longer. Let me just say, I got VERY little sleep because I was checking on them most of the...
  11. R

    Meyers vs. My pet chicken

    Oh noooo! I didn’t have an Orpington yet and was so delighted to get one. Hopefully Mr Zippy calms down a bit!
  12. R

    Meyers vs. My pet chicken

    Lol. Just cream legbar. 🙃
  13. R

    Meyers vs. My pet chicken

    I suspect mine is a male Blue Orpington as well. But I’m keeping him as long as he doesn’t turn into a butt!😂
  14. R

    Meyers vs. My pet chicken

    It’s a random surprise. After they arrived I looked on the site to figure out what my mystery meal maker chick was…it was CLEARLY not a CLB lol. It’s fun to see what they choose to send each week!
  15. R

    Meyers vs. My pet chicken

    I just received an order from Meyer on the 13th. They offer a free “meal maker” chick and low minimum chick requirement, major reasons I went with them. (Along with breed selection of course) I am absolutely tickled with the experience with Meyer. So far the chicks are thriving beautifully! I...
  16. R

    Thank you!❤️

    Thank you!❤️
  17. R

    Thank you!❤️

    Thank you!❤️
  18. R

    Thank you! ❤️

    Thank you! ❤️
  19. R

    Thank you!❤️

    Thank you!❤️
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