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  1. H

    Tips on how to care for a one-eyed chicken

    Update: her eye looks terrible and she's probably blind, but she's back to acting normal.
  2. H

    Tips on how to care for a one-eyed chicken

    So this morning, my smallest chicken survived a hawk attack. She's 3 years old and I'm pretty sure she's now blind in her right eye, which I think is the eye that she used to see things up close. After being frozen for a few minutes, she started walking around. I threw her favorite food in...
  3. H

    Do Natural Chicken Remedies Really Work?

    For what it's worth here's my experience with pastured chickens, mostly prevention over curing serious diseases: -They're healthier when I switch from throwing feed in the grass (I thought this was more "natural") to putting their feed in chicken feeders. That way they got more grit (very...
  4. H

    Post autopsy questions

    I'm sad to say that my 5-year-old Isa Brown died today. She had a bad winter molt and was a little off for the past months, and barely ate the last 5 days. I thought I felt an egg down at the bottom of her body below her butt, so tried to gently massage it up to her butt last night and gave...
  5. H

    Heat For Winter?

    Incredible build. One tip: if the overhang ventilation has large gaps, hardware mesh would add extra security against possoms or other small predators.
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    Heat For Winter?

    Chickens poop a lot overnight, and it's unhealthy for them to breathe all that ammonia. Adding only height to that coop with 4 pieces of ply wood would be a huge improvement so that you can add air holes 2-feet above their heads, which would let air out without any cold air "hitting" them.
  7. H

    Starting a bantam flock... maybe.

    You should be able to sell off roosters for $30. Most people I've sold roosters to had small backyard female-only flocks, and wanted to add a rooster as a predator-alarm.
  8. H

    Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

    You can with a broadfork and a whole lotta free time
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