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  1. BillickChix

    Billickchixs Member Page

    I don't have a camera to update my beautiful flock of 9, now all laying and all fabulous! Here are some pictures of the very start of our chicken journey! Our jealous Pug Lucy, who is looking in on our two-day-old Black Copper Marans chicks. Jacqui is standing tall, with Margaux beside...
  2. BillickChix

    Rooster fight! HELP!!

    Yay! So happy for his recovery!
  3. BillickChix

    Rooster fight! HELP!!

    Sorry for your heartache! Hang in there! Make sure you watch your coop area for the next few days, or have someone else do so if you cannot, to see if there are any lingering predators. They'll come back if they think there's a chance for some type of meal. I know you think it was the...
  4. BillickChix

    Is it too late to be friendly chickens??

    Some breeds are definitely more friendly than others. I have 9 hens. I have a BO named Arjean who follows me around - runs after me in fact - and becomes loud if I'm petting or holding another chicken. She'll spend time in my lap all day long (and yes, sometimes she even gets to come into the...
  5. BillickChix

    When does this breed start laying?

    Quote: I noticed it two days ago, and it's a half-squat. Pretty adorable! Darn I have to wait a few more weeks. Waiting is rhe hardest part. My girl was so flighty, and a couple of days ago, she stopped running from me so much. I hand-raised her, hand-fed, spent countless hours with lap...
  6. BillickChix

    When does this breed start laying?

    Quote: I noticed it two days ago, and it's a half-squat. Pretty adorable!
  7. BillickChix

    Red Sex Link Pullet - 18 weeks old - FREE!

    I have a Red Sex Link female who is 18 weeks old. She is a healthy girl who has a bit of an attitude and yells at all humans who come near the run or the coop. She has been known to bite unsuspecting humans, but stays away if you have your guard up. We handle our chickens daily and all the...
  8. BillickChix

    When does this breed start laying?

    My 18-week old Leghorn laid her first this morning! It's rather small but it's so adorable! Nice and white. I was thinking how it was a little early for her to be squatting for me, but I guess not!
  9. BillickChix

    Buff Orpingtons

    I have five Buff Orpington hens. Only one has gone broody - Arjean - who is also my little best friend. She is trained to run to the front coop door when I make a certain noise (none of the other chickens have caught on), sits in my lap, falls asleep nuzzling me, sunbathes/tries to dustbathe...
  10. BillickChix

    I was just given this young Roo, can anyone identify?

    The feathering looks a lot like an EE mix I used to have (X Black Copper Marans).
  11. BillickChix

    anyone ever seen a chicken egg this small

    I got one of these today the size of a nickel! Thank you to everyone who posted on here and quickly cleared up my confusion! Can't wait to crack it open and see if there's a tiny little yolk inside.
  12. BillickChix

    What am I getting myself into?

    I have 9 hens who bring me so much joy. The more time you spend with them, the sweeter they are and the more bonded they will become to you. Nothing's more magical than getting those first eggs (and I still think it is magical... The time I spend on my chickens is leisurely and not necessary...
  13. BillickChix

    Thats an ugly egg (picture) formerly "Thin Shelled Egg"

    Our eggs and membranes feel like double strength compared to store-bought eggs, and it takes effort to crack them without making a mess! I think it's from happy chickens with a well-rounded diet as well!
  14. BillickChix

    Evil Rooster: Advice Needed

    Yazzo's advice worked well, mydog8it, when we had issues with our rooster. We are vegetarians as well and couldn't kill our friend LeMerde. After much debating, we realized that with such an aggressive rooster (he was my sweetest and then turned very antagonistic, and without warning every...
  15. BillickChix

    My First Eggs!!!!! help!!! Who was it???

    Adorable! It's got to be your white one. The third pic down could be a hen, but the rest of them look like males.
  16. BillickChix

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Got our first egg ever yesterday (far right) and our second today (middle)! To say I was excited was an understatement. Many people got emails and picture texts! My hens that just laid (I only have two who are laying age) are still on 15%, plus table food (vegetables and whole grains only)...
  17. BillickChix

    Rooster Attack! Advice?

    I tried most of the advice on LeMerde this morning. I let the ladies watch me go after him, making dominant chicken sounds (and trying not to laugh at how crazy I looked in the process) and he got the picture. He was afraid of me and he didn't want to go near me...until I put the broom down -...
  18. BillickChix

    Rooster Attack! Advice?

    J.Pryce : My White Leghorn tried me a few times. A broom that knocked in head over heels & across the coop has stopped him, I thought I severely injured him once I whacked him so hard. He was OK & now when I enter the coop he heads to the run outside. Thank you J.Pryce and to everyone else who...
  19. BillickChix

    Rooster Attack! Advice?

    Quote: I'm a little scared that I'll pull a Lenny from Of Mice and Men and hurt him too badly on accident because of my lack of muscle coordination in my hands. I don't think I have the strength to grab a chicken by the leg and hold on without really hurting him, and I know I'm bigger than...
  20. BillickChix

    Rooster Attack! Advice?

    Quote: Haha! I can't even get anyone to take him off my hands for free for meat use! Thanks for the tip!
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