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  1. R

    My hens won’t touch pumpkin or bird suet

    Any rhyme or reason as to why my 2 hens won’t touch bird suet or pumpkin? They’ll forage fine, eat crumble but don’t seem to want suet or pumpkin.
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    Moving chicks to coop in chilly weather

    Bring them outside for the warmest part of the day and then bring them back in at night. Keep extending their stays outside until you are ready to try letting them sleep in their coop outside. Hopefully the coop is insulated with ventilation.
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    Just lost power

    Check with the power company on how long they expect the power to be out. Put the chickens in a box with towel underneath, and a sheet over the top (allows air flow, but not drafts). Bring into your house if the garage is uninsulated.
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    Rooster suddenly died

    It is not unusual for roosters to die of heart attacks. Sorry for your loss.
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    Stopped Laying

    Start the morning light cycle early - 6AM. Set two timers for the evening cycle. One for the main lights and a second one set for 30 minutes later for a smaller "night light" so they have time to settle in.
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    Earwigs from oil traps

    You can offer it to them. Chickens eat earwigs, and a little bit of non-rancid vegetable oil is fine as long as this is a small fraction of their diet. Are you trapping earwigs inside your house? Have you had your home inspected for termites?
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    Waterer Design Problem-Seeking Scientist :)

    15 gallons creates 124 pounds of downward pressure versus 8.3 lbs that your 1 gallon Coleman water thermos created. You would need a much deeper tray and the hose at the bottom of it to stop that kind of pressure. I would suggest using a valve to control how much water pressure can come out...
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    HELP! Chicken stuck in glue trap

    If the suggestions aren't working call up your local animal shelter and ask if you can bring in your chick for help. Someone who has done this before usually has a better technique.
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    Best / favorite automatic coop doors

    I just bought the MaticoopX and chose it because the batteries are easily removable without any screws, the door is aluminum instead of plastic, the programming is easier with an onscreen setting and it allows you to see the current light levels and adjust the level needed to open or close the coop.
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    Auto door light sensor

    Face your automatic door where it isn't likely to be hit with flood lights or car head lights that if left on for a couple of minutes would trigger your door to open! I just bought the MaticoopX because it will show you the current sunlight level and let you set what sunlight level triggers the...
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    Oyster shell- anything to know?

    See if your local seafood restaurant will save you the oyster shells they would normally throw out. One 5 gallon bucket will last you a LONG time! Just soak & rinse them. Dry them. Put them in a feed bag. With a hammer and safety glasses smash them.
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    Announcement BYC Learning Center Rating Project

    Stopped watching NetFlix and went ahead and read, rated and reviewed 5 articles as requested. Learned some useful things so thanks for the prompt.
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'Pelletized Bedding / Shavings'

    Pine pellets as chicken litter - who would have guessed such a solution existed. Thank you for documenting in detail how to get and use the pellets. I really like being able to use a plastic pitch fork to grab just the poop and dispose of that without having to throw out the good pellets. If...
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'Sour Crop'

    Really liked this article as it is a problem all chicken owners should know how to handle. I would explain what a "crop" is and how a chicken processes food by allowing the first stomach (the crop) to pass food to the second stomach (the gizzard). I would add that this can be a physical...
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'Crop Feeding'

    I appreciate you sharing how to feed a sick bird. You might append the title to "Crop feeding a sick chicken" to make it clear this isn't something you do with a healthy bird. If you could add more details on how to restrain a bird, how to safely open its beak without injury to yourself or the...
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'Diy nesting boxes'

    Love your idea turning a milk crate into a nesting box. You might mention what tool you used to get such clean cuts on the side of your milk crate. I'm assuming an angle grinder but it would help if you specified. For those that want to preserve their milk crate for future reuse you might...
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'Homemade Suet Cake for Poultry!'

    What a great how to! Chickens love treats and yours is a good one. Here are some things you should consider adding to help users following your recipe. Define SUET and where to get, and what to use as a substitute. Many folks don't know it is the fat around the kidneys of cows and sheep. Most...
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'The "cheep" motel'

    Nice innovation of having the cage rise with the stairs. I like your roosting room too.
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    Review by 'Riptide360' in article 'New Super Brooder'

    What a wonderful setup! I really like your hard wired dimmer switch for the heat lamp to control the temperature. Very professional install. I built a plug-in version that I posted on Instructables: but if I build a brooder box I...
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