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  1. C

    Cyst on leg

    I'll get some pics tomorrow when I'm flushing it again. He's only about a year his spurs aren't that big or sharp. It looked just like a bumble foot and the contents was custard chunky and yellow. I gave him some poultry cell and I'm letting him rest. The silver honey says it is an antimicrobial...
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    Cyst on leg

    One of my roosters started limping a few weeks ago. The first thing I looked for was bumble foot but didn't find anything on the bottom of his foot and he seemed to be moving his leg just fine so I separated him from the flock and kept him in a dog kennel for a while. His limp never really went...
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    Bobwhites dying

    They are in my barn which is not heated but they are protected from the elements, we haven't gotten below freezing yet.
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    Bobwhites dying

    Necks not floppy. Two died in a sleeping position the other three were on their side legs stretched out.
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    Bobwhites dying

    I just picked up some bobwhites a few days ago, 4 trios. I have had them in wire cages (2wx4lx2h) each trio while i finish their flight cages. 5 have died over the course of two days! Their poop looks normal, they arent underweight, and eating and drinking just fine. They are about 16weeks old...
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    Bobwhite Flight cage size

    They are still young and haven't started laying yet so im hoping that helps avoid the aggression.
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    Bobwhite Flight cage size

    I have a 4ft x 4ft x 7ft tall aviary covered in hardware cloth with the bottom two feet covered by metal roofing. Would this be large enough for 5 (2 male 3 Female) bobwhite quails? Most information I have found says 2sqft per bird but i think that is for breeding pens. I wasn't sure if it...
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    Broken leg cochin

    Probably not until tomorrow. I have yet to find a vet near me that treats chickens. But it's almost as if it's dislocated? She cant even sit up without using her wing
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    Broken leg cochin

    My bantam hen went missing yesterday evening and i found her today with a broken leg. I brough her in and gave her food and water. It's like she cant move her leg at all and all her weight is on the right one while the left just drags/hangs there. I dont see any other injuries or blood. What can...
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    Lethargic Bantam Wyandotte

    I couldnt find a vet near us that would treat chickens. I started her on corrid since her poop was green and she was lighter but was still eating and drinking. She seemed to perk up started getting color in her comb and her droppings turned to brown. Then yesterday she took a turn. I have not...
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    Swollen eye

    Thank you so much!
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    Swollen eye

    So i think she IS. I brought her out and her pupils did not change in either eye. So now i dont think they are swollen but rather she is squinting? Could this be ocular Mareks? I dont want to cull her if i dont have to.
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    Swollen eye

    These two pictures are about a week apart. No sneezing or smell or lethargy. She is a new addition but her and another hen we got from the same place are being quarantined separately from my flock. The other hen doesnt seem to have any issues and her eyes are fine. Any idea what this could be...
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    Lethargic Bantam Wyandotte

    I have her by herself in a dog kennel now. Yes denegard has worked before but she is not sneezing. She is still fluffed up and wings are now droopy. Her comb is pale. Ive been giving her nutridrenvh and it doesnt seem to be working. Her crop feels normal. I have seen her eat and drink. I domt...
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    Lethargic Bantam Wyandotte

    My flock has been dealing with sneezing so i have been treating them with denegard. One of my bantam wyandottes is not sneezing and there is no noise when she breathes like the others but she is lethargic and wobbly on her feet. She was keeping to herself and was fluffed up. I seperated her and...
  16. C

    Help for swelling

    I found one of my little cockerels with a string wrapped around his toungue. I removed the string but there seems to be some swelling. He is keeping his beak open a bit is there anything i can/should give for swelling?
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    Crusty Beak

    Mouth is clear
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    Crusty Beak

    I have this 4 week old silkie with a crusty beak. I cleaned it off with a warm cloth but she has mucus in her beak. No sneezing or nose discharge or any other symptoms. I lost 3 chicks to what I thought was a respiratory infection and treated everyone with denegard. They seemed to be doing okay...
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