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  1. M

    Keeping in Texas garage?

    Great! Thank you so much for your reply! Puts my chick momma heart at ease.
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    Keeping in Texas garage?

    Hi all! When I first got chicks two years ago I kept them in my house and I told myself I was never doing that again (the dust!). I’m in north Texas and our temps range from high 70s at night to high 80s/low 90s during peak of the day. I took temps thought the day in the garage and this is what...
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    Liver Disease Help

    I got this from Poultry DVM: Silymarin's natural antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties make it useful in the treatment and prevention of liver disease in poultry. Silymarin also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, protein synthesis-enhancing, and anti-fibrotic activities. These activities...
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    Liver Disease Help

    Thank you so much! I will keep monitoring and start milk thistle. Fingers crossed starting that and cutting out the fatty treats will help her improve. Good luck and stay safe in your snow storm!
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    Liver Disease Help

    As far as the Milk Thistle- is it 15-20mg per day? She has been occasionally self isolating :( but did not yesterday or so far today. If this is a reproductive crisis how will I know if it is an infection versus egg binding at this early stage? Should I do anything else other than the calcium...
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    Liver Disease Help

    Thank you for your response! No, the coop is cleaned every morning. I scrape the poop shelf into that 5 gallon bucket (that stays outside the coop) and empty the bucket every 4 days or so. She could be showing signs of ascites but I have never dealt with this so not entirely sure. Lately, I...
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    Liver Disease Help

    Hi all! I’m hoping to get advice about one of my buff Orpington chickens. She is somewhat lethargic for a couple days, still eating but not as much and the urate part of her poop is tinted green/yellow. I have seen this could be from fatty liver disease- which I *think* is the issue. I do feed...
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    Corrid question

    I guess I’m just nervous about leaving them for the first time 😭 they are a year and a half old. I don’t have any poop pics but it was clear and watery- not yellow or green. Nobody is acting weird. I almost lost one about 5 months ago to coccidiosis and it happened quick so that’s why I’m...
  9. M

    Corrid question

    Hi all, I’ll be going out of town and have somebody watching our farm. I noticed today on the poop shelf so clear liquid in two different spots. All droppings looked normal. All chickens are acting normal and eating/drinking well. I have 4 days before I leave- should I treat the whole flock...
  10. M

    Consistently laying shell less, liquid egg. Help!

    Hi- I have a barred rock hen who is 12 months old and has been a great egg layer. She recently laid 2 soft shell eggs and now for the past 5 days she has laid a shell-less egg on the poop shelf every night. The shell is completely missing, not even a soft shell is present. I believe the other...
  11. M

    BO hen consistently laying shell-less eggs

    Hi. Did you ever find out what was going on? I have a hen who is doing the same thing.
  12. M

    Lash Egg Treatment, Dosage help

    Hi All, I believe my hen has the early stages of lash egg. She laid a soft shell egg with a bit of white chunky material with the egg (on the outside of the soft shell). There was about two peas worth of material. I would like to treat her asap but I do not have a vet that will see chickens...
  13. M

    Human flu contagious to chickens?

    That’s a relief! Thank you!!
  14. M

    Human flu contagious to chickens?

    I've been trying to google whether humans can give chickens the flu but everything that pops up is about avian influenza. My husband tested positive for Flu A, does anyone know if this can be transmitted to our chickens? Thank you in advance!
  15. M

    Chickens jumping over fence!

    That’s what I’m worried about, especially because our trees grow on angles not straight up and down. It’s easy for them to jump on the main trunk and just walk up :/
  16. M

    Chickens jumping over fence!

    Thank you! I’ll have my husband hold him and I’ll do the wing clipping. And thanks for the tip about the head in the armpit.
  17. M

    Chickens jumping over fence!

    Thank you for this! We will give the night roosting a shot.
  18. M

    Chickens jumping over fence!

    Could you explain the string thing a bit? If there’s something to keep them from landing on the top I think that could really help.
  19. M

    Chickens jumping over fence!

    I’m learning this is very true. I’m currently in my house watching them out my window where they aren’t supposed to be. Any ideas on how to extend my fence? It’s hard to see but the main portion is chain link with metal posts on top and as supports. And I think my problem is also going to be all...
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