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  1. MamaWolf7

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Winter on the Farm Photo Contest

    Thank you! All the photos were lovely to see! I don't envy whoever had to decide the winners amongst all the beautiful photos. Great job everyone!
  2. MamaWolf7

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    I live 100mi from Alaska, so I can't clean the coop in the winter because everything is a big frozen block of straw/poop. In the summer I prefer to use wood chips. I go full on safety when cleaning the coop...Hazmat suit, safety glasses, shower cap and respirator with cartridges that filter...
  3. MamaWolf7

    Never seen anything like this..!please help

    I live in the Yukon (100mi from Alaska). It does look like frostbite. The comb isn't bad. He may or may not loose the tips. The wattle is what is causing him enough pain to be lethargic. I am guessing that he has been drinking from a water bowl which is what got the wattles so cold to do that...
  4. MamaWolf7

    Climate Change and Geese

    I came across this interesting article about the impact this unseasonably warm winter is having on wild waterfowl...a goose hatching a pair of goslings in December in Canada! When I lived in that city many years ago I have seen more than 3 feet of snow at this time of year. Never goslings...
  5. MamaWolf7

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Chilly Coop Contest!

    The quaint little chick coop waiting peacefully in the snow for the spring brood. Once they are big enough, the chicks always love perching in the mountain ash tree.
  6. MamaWolf7

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Chilly Coop Contest!

    The coop with fresh snow on the chicken door. On the left is their 'tent' for year round dust baths. On the right (only partially visible) are a series of wooden objects for perching on. Above are zig zagging clothes lines to keep aerial predators away.
  7. MamaWolf7

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Winter on the Farm Photo Contest

    I had to dig the roosting bar out from 5' of hard packed snow for these boys to enjoy some afternoon sunshine. They are Husky (left), Dalmatian (center) and Tortoise (right).
  8. MamaWolf7

    Help! Should I get rid of rooster?

    I have a rooster who is almost a year old now. He started this pecking behaviour at around 6 months old. He has even pecked at my husband a few times. He has also tried pecking at me once. All pecking was while wearing winter coats, so no injuries resulted. Despite having an electric fence, a...
  9. MamaWolf7

    Strange egg yolks

    Thx. She was so young so it was pretty upsetting. I am hoping they were from her so that I don't get my more eggs like that. The birds have all been stressed lately. Did a major coop cleaning when it warmed up for a week before the cold snap, changed the pecking order and we live so far north...
  10. MamaWolf7

    Strange egg yolks

    The barred rocks have been laying since the end of October. They hatched May 24 of last year so are almost a year old.
  11. MamaWolf7

    Strange egg yolks

    Two weeks in a row I have had eggs with broken up yolks when I went to make devilled eggs. I sell most of my eggs and am worried my customers may have gotten one of these eggs. I only sell large to jumbo and keep the medium eggs for my own use. Almost all of the medium sized eggs are blue and...
  12. MamaWolf7

    Hawks :( :( Need advice

    I work at a landfill. We have bald eagles and ravens scavenging the garbage year round. I frequently watch ravens fly after eagles to try and steal their food. In the summer we have seagulls and during migration we also have golden eagles and hawks. So many so that a local bird watcher has...
  13. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    10/18 Monday 10/18 Tuesday + 2 half eaten eggs🙄 caught the barred rock hen in the act and yanked her out of the EE corner of the floor nest (EEs are such a pain like that) by her tail feathers and gave her a stern talking to 12/18 today My 2 best customers are away for a few weeks and I have...
  14. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    12/18 + a frozen egg
  15. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11/18 + a frozen egg
  16. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11/18 + one that did not for correctly during calcification and suffered an impact right before being laid, so had a hairline crack as well. Unfortunately not usable. Amazingly none frozen! It started snowing lightly this evening which usually signals a change in weather, so hopefully our...
  17. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    15/18 + 3 frozen eggs (first time they have ALL laid!!!) Do any of you do anything special for your poultry for Christmas? Last year I gave my chickens a red cabbage to peck away at. They thanked me by covering the coop in forest green manure. Lol.
  18. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Happy winter solstice! I am predicting brighter days in the next 6 months for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. Here sunrise was at 11:12am and sunset at 4:46pm. 13/18 + a frozen EE egg laid in a pile of poop below the perch. 🙄 I was getting sick of this cold weather, then checked...
  19. MamaWolf7

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    10/18 + one frozen egg Today's high was -37f (-39C). The barn cats stay in the chicken coop when temps are below -10f (-23C) and I turn on the heat lamp in the coop. Cats can have difficulty absorbing the nutrients from their food in such extreme cold. When it is this cold I crack a small egg...
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