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  1. S

    Chronic soft egg issue

    Hello! I have a Gold Laced Wyandotte who has always had some egg issues. - once or twice a month she’ll lay eggs with such thin and brittle shells that they break when you try to write the date on them. - every few months or so she’ll lay a shell-less or *very* soft shelled egg. My hens are...
  2. S

    Fowl pox, slow or sour crop?

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) I have a Speckled Sussex pullet, Thelma, who is feeling very poorly. She’s about 10 months old. I don’t think she’s lost much weight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. My flock caught...
  3. S

    Hen somewhat lethargic, laying eggs in run, pooping clear substance

    I don’t add supplements on a daily basis, maybe once every few months (slightly more frequent in summers with electrolytes), they maybe get vitamin and probiotic supplements a total of 6 times a year at most. Her eggs are completely normal, but I will try the calcium/D3 (already have some!)...
  4. S

    Hen somewhat lethargic, laying eggs in run, pooping clear substance

    Good morning! I have a 1.5 yr old Golden Laced Wyandotte exhibiting some symptoms that I can’t diagnose. Problem: it seems on the day she lays an egg (and usually the day after), she lays around the run more than usual and doesn’t eat. Then she’ll pop out her egg in the run without going in...
  5. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    She doesn’t have any egg bound symptoms at all. Her wounds were pretty bad and very close to her vent. She’s healing really well but still favoring her one leg. No sour crop yet but I’m going to put ACV in her water, hopefully along with the yogurt it will delay/prevent that. She’s very...
  6. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    I have a 9 month old barred rock that is putting me through the chicken ailment wringer. A few weeks ago she was attacked by a dog. Long story short, she is healing well. She is the most stubborn bird. She refused oral antibiotics (for the dog bite) despite many methods and helping hands. She...
  7. S

    Crop issue

    No ideas because I’m dealing with the same! I’ve been massaging, giving my hen coconut oil and water only for 2 days, with minimal improvement. I’m going to try to vomit her today (gross!) because I’m out of ideas.
  8. S

    Dog attack and egg bound with a cracked egg

    Yes! I took her to the vet because the risk for it busting was so high. 10 minutes and $100 and it was out. The vet gassed her, lubed up, and was able to get it out whole. She said it was more cracked than the X-ray showed so going to the vet was the right choice. She’s been improving, wounds...
  9. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    Here is my previous post about Val’s dog attack. The saga continues! She’s been doing well after having her egg removed. Some feathers are growing back but the worst wounds are still healing and scabbed up. I’ve let her outside a few times in short visits to be a chicken, she seems good. BUT...
  10. S

    Dog attack and egg bound with a cracked egg

    Update: she has an attitude! Epsom salt soak was a fail, she refused. Blow drying was a semi fail because I couldn’t get everything dry, she hates that, too. She is still alert and seems a little better. She pecked at some scratch/layer feed. I have a vet appointment tomorrow morning to remove...
  11. S

    Dog attack and egg bound with a cracked egg

    Thank you! I’ll make those changes you mentioned. The vet said that it seemed pretty intact and so close to the vent that she didn’t want to risk it, hoping she would pass the egg on her own with pain meds and what not. I’ll just see how it goes for now after a soak, and it’ll be back to the...
  12. S

    Dog attack and egg bound with a cracked egg

    I forgot to ask: it’s chilly here and I’d have to blow dry her after the Epsom salt bath. Aside from stressing her, would a blow dryer on warm (not hot) harm her wounds in any way?
  13. S

    Dog attack and egg bound with a cracked egg

    I have a ~10 month Plymouth barred rock that was attacked by a dog about 48 hours ago. She has some injury (one small puncture, a bigger puncture/tear just shy of dime-size, and some skin tearing of the first layer or two of skin). She is very alert, kind of drinking water, and not eating (she...
  14. S

    Heat stress or calcium deficiency for shell less eggs?

    They have a covered run that’s also partially under a giant oak tree. The sun shines in a lot from the west side but only in about half the run. So, they have plenty of shade and water. I try to give them frozen watermelon or other fruits/veggies in the afternoon when it’s hottest. I check the...
  15. S

    Heat stress or calcium deficiency for shell less eggs?

    Will do. I installed a little fan in the run which probably won’t do much but maybe it’ll help. I also put a camera in the coop so I can track who’s laying eggs. She is definitely my least heat-tolerant hen. I suspect that is playing a role, as well. I’ll update if anything changes!
  16. S

    Heat stress or calcium deficiency for shell less eggs?

    Well. I accidentally bought the “petite” supplement which is 400mg calcium/500IU D3 with a serving size of 2 pills. Meaning, I assume, each pill has 200mg. I hope giving her 3 pills won’t overdo the D3. Might go search for the regular dose later. The important thing is that I mixed a dissolved...
  17. S

    Heat stress or calcium deficiency for shell less eggs?

    Thankfully I haven’t seen any evidence of a broken egg inside her. I’ll try to give her calcium again tomorrow. I guess I started vent checking because I’ve read so much about egg bound hens and the need for acting quickly. She’s pretty docile and hasn’t seemed too stressed about it, at least...
  18. S

    Heat stress or calcium deficiency for shell less eggs?

    I have a 5.5 month old Golden Laced Wyandotte that’s been having egg issues. Last week she looked egg bound, so I gave her a warm soak and checked her vent. A perfect yolk plopped out. This morning she was looking the same. I checked her vent and pulled out one of those shriveled membranes...
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