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  1. Colley12

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thank you for reaching out! Life got super busy and we moved from in town to a farm! My sister took my ducks into her big flock. We thought we would take them back when we moves, but they are super happy in her big flock. So we started over with chickens! The house we bought came with a half...
  2. Colley12

    how to get him to stop attacking me!

    My drake tries to be bossy, and I just stand up tall and walk towards him, he usually turns and moves away from me. He has his 2 ladies that he likes to protect. He's never bitten or grabbed onto me though. But I don't try to handle him either. He has plenty of room to move away from me when I...
  3. Colley12

    Feeding at night ?

    My ladies have come running out of their duck house lately looking so disheveled/feathers fluffed in the guess was the "lovemaking" due to the season 😆 no neck feathers missing or anything, so my drake is still being a gentleman I hope lol.
  4. Colley12

    Drake feather at 6 weeks! No!

    One of my drakes had a curl like that super early... holding out hope it isn't for you tbough:fl
  5. Colley12


    🥰 We are very proud of the parents! The 4 so far are super healthy and active! Can't wait to see what the next 4 look like and what their coloring is going to end up as! So fun!!
  6. Colley12


    My sister incubated eggs from our runners! All eggs developed super well, she has 4 hatched and 4 more beginning to hatch! They are so cute!! Here are the proud parents, she had 4 eggs from each lady (brown and white ducks) gray is the drake....
  7. Colley12

    Duck ramp and height of duck house

    Also to add on door width, I read when building/researching make it 2 ducks worth wide, because they won't always file one by one in. And may try to go in at the same time as another and get stuck lol. So better to go bigger than smaller
  8. Colley12

    Will an 8x10 dog kennel be okay to house 4 ducks in?

    Do you have a house inside of the run? Is it chain link? I think you may need to predator proof if it, if it is. I'm sure others will chime in. I've read the general rule is 4 square feet/duck for coop then 10 square feet/duck for run.
  9. Colley12

    Brewers yeast or nutritonal yeast?

    I use nutritional yeast that I find in the bulk section of my grocery store. 👍
  10. Colley12

    Duck nesting boxes necessary?

    I painted all the wood then put it down...maybe that helps. Mine hasn't come up yet! Edit: I don't have chickens, so I don't think my ducks scratch at it too. I love finding things at that you got a roll for so cheap!!
  11. Colley12

    Duck poop meaning

    Looks like maybe they ate some green veggies 🤔 or from foraging? When I feed my ducks pees or lettuce theirs can look like that. But I will let others chime in.... Answer to these questions will help Could they have gotten into anything, what their diet is, if they are acting sick, how old...
  12. Colley12

    Duck nesting boxes necessary?

    One of their nests they made. Moved all the big rocks out of the center and lined them in a nice circle 😍
  13. Colley12

    Duck nesting boxes necessary?

    I did the vinyl floor in mine :yesss: superb for cleanup. I bought the cheapest stick on vinyl squares. Easy to cut to fit in the layout you need.
  14. Colley12

    New to moscovys: can they be freeranged

    Perfect description 👏
  15. Colley12

    Silly boys

    Cute boys!! Agree with above posts! Also to add...warms my heart to know that I'm not the only one dealing with muddy mess right now...anyone else ready for winter to be over :caf the struggle is real!
  16. Colley12

    Duck nesting boxes necessary?

    Mine created a nest in their house and lay in their nest. I use shavings and then throw some straw in over top. They use the straw to create a nest. I've seen them arrange rocks outside into a nest. So I'm guessing I may get some outside nests in the spring. But so far mine haven't needed a...
  17. Colley12

    A Frame Duck Coop / free ranging in the suburbs

     We sectioned off the side of the house that their duck house is on. I will take pictures tomorrow when it's light out. It's mostly river rock. I still let them out most days into the yard because we probably can't reseed until late March when it stops freezing here. Also I'm glad I sectioned...
  18. Colley12

    Runner duck stopped sitting for a few hours...

    Mine don't fly, they do however jump with grace :lau I'm always amazed at how far laterally they travel when they do that.
  19. Colley12

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

  20. Colley12

    Do different colors of Indian runner behave differently?

    For example: my daughter was talking to our neighbor across the street (we live in town on smaller lots) and she mentioned the ducks. The neighbor had no idea we had them 🤣 I thought for sure their treat QUACK would of for sure given us away 🤣
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