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  1. sixxchixx

    Heavy breathing, won’t stand (DAY 4)

    Thank you for all this information. I’ve had chickens nearly 15 years and never had this happen. She was a my most dependable egg layer but her eggs were always shaped a little differently. The eggs usually came out almost pointy (?) , very elongated egg shapes. I just figured she had more...
  2. sixxchixx

    Heavy breathing, won’t stand (DAY 4)

    Hello, I have a 2ish year old EE who has been ill since Saturday (today is Tuesday). We noticed she wasn’t really walking around or eager to free range with the other 3 hens in my backyard flock. I suspected eggbound. I bathed her, dried her and placed her in a small cage in my kitchen to keep...
  3. sixxchixx

    Fowl pox comfort care

    Hello chicken parents. We have a nasty case of dry form fowl pox in 3/4 of our chickens. I’ve researched and found that in most cases it’s not fatal and that there is no real treatment. My question is how can I make my hens more comfortable while they battle this ugly virus? 2/4 have sealed shut...
  4. sixxchixx

    Chicken crosses the road…

    That’s what I was thinking but her body color is so light. Not like a RIR at all
  5. sixxchixx

    Chicken crosses the road…

    I found this girl walking down the middle of a busy road. She’s skittish but seems healthy. Yellow legs, pea (or other small) comb, black tail feathers, light red body (almost americauna markings throughout feathers) no egg yet. Any guesses? Is she a mutt?
  6. sixxchixx

    Landlord demanding coop removed

    Thanks. I've read that and it doesn't mention anything about landlord personnel changes or a landlord changing his mind about an oral agreement. And Yes the current owner/landlord is my brother in law.
  7. sixxchixx

    Landlord demanding coop removed

    hi all, I'm hoping someone can let me know if I am on the right side of things here... we built our chicken coop and a few other structures (a small pond and 2 gazebos) around 5-10 years ago. We had passive permission from the then owner (my husbands grandmother). We have no written lease and...
  8. sixxchixx

    integrating 1 hen to my existing flock... advice please

    Hi there, I adopted 1 hen on Sunday from a friend who lost his other chicken to a dog attack recently. I know that chickens do better as part of a flock and are not solitary animals which is why I offered to take her. I have 4 existing hens in my yard. They have plenty of space to run (and hide)...
  9. sixxchixx

    all 10 chickens dead~ any ideas?

    Their neck feathers were a little mangled. Were just so mad/sad right now, It was weird going outside this morning and they weren't squawking and begging for treats. Thanks for your ideas. The general consensus is that it wasn't a raccoon, because they would have made a bigger mess and it...
  10. sixxchixx

    all 10 chickens dead~ any ideas?

    Unfortunately, we have nothing left for them to attack. We buried them a short distance away and raked out the dirt to see if there will be any disturbances tomorrow morning. any one hear of anything other than a dog "hiding" their kill?
  11. sixxchixx

    all 10 chickens dead~ any ideas?

    this morning we found all 10 hens dead. 1 silkie and 1 polish were eaten (heads left) and the other 8 larger hens had broken necks and were "hidden" all over the run. they were put in shallow holes and partially covered with dirt. We live in a neighborhood that doesn't butt up to a canyon or...
  12. sixxchixx

    Sixxchixxs Member Page

    Our Chicken Story (How chicken math worked for me) One day in our (chickenless) backyard a very sweet Rhode Island Red came walking up. Neither of us had ever owned or even petted a chicken before and we were honestly a little freaked out. "do chickens bite, am I going to get a disease?" My...
  13. sixxchixx

    13 week old bantam cochin roo (P/U only San Diego)

    This is Mars, a bantam cochin and hes a little fireball! we cant have roosters where we live and although I love his high pitched little crow he needs a new home. Hes been hand raised and free ranged, so if you have the ladies (hens) and the space hes free to a good home, no shipping. I live in...
  14. sixxchixx

    13 week old silver laced polish crested roo (P/U only San Diego)

    This little guy is a sweetheart. His name is Fraggle and I can't keep him. We live in the city and although he's not crowing very loud yet I'm sure it's coming. Free to a good home, no shipping. I live in Escondido (San Diego) California. please call tawny if interested (858) 722-3004 or email...
  15. sixxchixx

    Building a coop for Southern California

    I live in Escondido and was more concerned with the heat than predators. We have racoons and ferrell cats but never a problem. we orig. built this run/coop to keep 4 hens in all day/night. the large box on the right was supposed to be their coop (read: for sleeping) that quickly became their...
  16. sixxchixx

    Do silkies roost?

    im not sure but I have a 13 week old silkie who doesnt like to roost. she prefers to sleep on the ground too.
  17. sixxchixx

    HELP!!! Intestines (?) is coming out from butt!!

    Well my Nefertiti seems to be doing better (Thank the Lord because Im going out of town this weekend) she keeps it all tucked back in by herself and Ive sprayed her rear with blu-kote. Im not sure if shes laying eggs because shes back in with the rest of the chickens. I know shes not 100%...
  18. sixxchixx

    prolapsed vent ***update***

    Well good news! I got home from work today and her rear end looks almost normal!!! She has sucked it back in so I sprayed her with blu-kote and let her back with the others. She's still not 100% I saw her strain to go poop but she still sucked it all back in on her own. We will see!!
  19. sixxchixx

    prolapsed vent ***update***

    shes still hanging in there. I let her sleep on the roost with the other girls last night. I just felt so bad that she was alone in the garage and she seemed so happy to walk around and scratch like a normal chicken. she also seemed pretty alert yesterday afternoon. Im thinking that once the...
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