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  • Users: Captain13
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  1. C

    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I saw a raccoon going up a tree near my coop last evening. Out came the Havahart Raccoon Trap, baited with dry dog food and a few marshmallows. This morning, the new inmate was resting securely in the trap. I loaded him up in the truck and took him out in the country and released him with a...
  2. C

    Check Feed Date Before Buying

    Just a tip. I stopped to pick up some feed today and checked the date on it like I would do at a grocery store. The date on the bag was 21 July 2022. I pointed it out to the store manager and he said the feed was delivered this week and obviously had been sitting in a warehouse for over a...
  3. C

    Pullet Integration Help

    Trying to integrate some 5 month old pullets into my little flock. I’ve had them separated but some of the older hens are still pecking and chasing them off their food when I’ve put them all together. They are sleeping on the roost at night with the rest but won’t get off the roost in the...
  4. C

    Lost Two Girls Today

    No obvious problems. Both laid eggs this morning. Crops were what I would expect after a normal day, full but not hard. Normal appetite, normal poop, and I’m changing water every two hours due to the heat. Also running fans in the coop and a fan blowing down the run. I go in the coop every...
  5. C

    Breast Area Protruding and Firm

    I thought one of my girls had an impacted crop because her right side was protruding and very firm. I segregated her, no food for two days, water only with stool softener yesterday. Yesterday I felt and the crop is empty. She’s not lethargic, poop normal but the swelling is still there and...
  6. C

    Cold Figs on a Hot Day

    Yesterday, the heat index was 114 here. I picked some ripe figs and put them in the refrigerator and got them nice and cold. During the hot part of the afternoon, I gave each girl a fig. They lived them. They only got one a piece because I know they are high in sugar. But they also have a...
  7. C

    Novogens First Eggs Today

    My eight Novogens turned 16 weeks old yesterday and today two of them laid eggs. Brown with white specks. Hard to believe, especially with the high heat we are having. Last week, I put ceramic eggs in the nesting boxes and today, two boxes had an egg each. The attached photo is the first...
  8. C

    Skunk Deterent.

    A week ago, I noticed the dirt around my coop and run scratched up in big spots. No real digging, just some cone shaped holes about 3 inches deep. I didn’t figure it out until two days ago when I detected the strong scent of a skunk. After some research, I discovered that they don‘t like the...
  9. C

    Chicks are about to graduate

    I’ve been coop training for the last couple of weeks. The girls will be 7 weeks old Thursday. They are starting to go in the coop just before the sun sets. That;s when I move them to the brooder due to the continued windy(gusting 40 mph for three days now) and cool nights (low 40’s). I will...
  10. C

    Chicks Turn 5 Weeks Tomorrow

    The chicks will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. Since Sunday, they have been staying in the run/coop all day. I take them out when the temperature gets up to 75 degrees. Today, they decided to try out their wings. My roosting bars are 36 inches off the ground. Four of the eight managed to fly up...
  11. C

    Field Trip to Celebrate 3 Week Birthday

    Took the chicks out of the brooder today for some time in the run. At 3 weeks, they immediately went into dust bath mode. It’s 86 here today so I thought they would enjoy some sun and sand in the run. I guess I was right. After a couple of hours, they huddled up for some dream time so I took...
  12. C

    New chics

    Went to the hatchery today and picked up my new Novagen chics. Put them in the brooder, they ate, drank and went under the heater plate, warmed up good and are now drifting out a few at the time to drink and eat some more. I was going to go with the heat lamp but am going to see how they do...
  13. C

    Crib to Brooder and Testing the Mommas Heating Pad

    Today I repurposed a $20 baby crib to a brooder in preparation for the arrival of my new chicks. I will probably take out the chicken wire the]at I installed just because it’s too difficult to get into place, especially in the corners. I will replace it with hardware cloth. The crib really gives...
  14. C

    Winter Rains

    We have been getting a lot of rain this winter here in Georgia. I’m about to miss my planting time for greens and peas as a result. The garden is staying so wet that i can’t get the tractor in the plow all the leaves and stuff sitting on top of the soil. Hopefully I will be able to plant...
  15. C

    One Less Squirrel

    It’s that time of year again where squirrels become very destructive. I found four spot on my coop this morning where one had been nibbling. I am out of peppermint oil but have an ample supply of shotgun shells. I got out my shotgun and a folding chair and within an hour, he was back at the...
  16. C

    Why We Are Being Forced to Take More Drastic Actio, With Pests and Predators

    This is why we are having to eliminate foxes and raccoons that come around our place. I believe this attack was in Connecticut a couple of days ago.
  17. C

    Finished The Coop and Run Today

    Finished everything up today with the exception of a new feeder and watering system. Just have the add the cross over stabilizing screws between the coop and run 9hence the tilt). The green just under the coop roof is the heavy duty tarp that I use on the sides when it’s windy and unusually...
  18. C

    New member checking in

    At this time, I’m just finishing setup of my 8X8 coop and 8x14 run. I have not added chickens yet because I’ve been working on the coop and run. Soon, though. I grew up on a farm in central Georgia and we always had chickens. My favorite aspect of having chickens is that they help me relax...
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