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  1. Raptor Chicken

    Re-introducing a sick chicken

    So we had a hen that was sick who is now getting much better. It was raised with the other 5 from chick stage. Last weekend my wife decided to just drop the quarantined chicken back into the extended run with the other 5. As you can imagine chaos ensued and the quarantined chicken got beat up a...
  2. Raptor Chicken

    Finally almost finished new coop

    LSD chickens! SWEET! Seriously though it looks good but I'm not sure your roosting situation versus ventilation is going to work out.
  3. Raptor Chicken

    Official BYC Poll: What Do Your Chickens Live In?

    Here's our set up. 6x6 coop with attached 6x10 run, with a fenced in 24'x36' area to let them out in when we are home.
  4. Raptor Chicken

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #13

    No worries, I'll talk to you again November 8th. :D
  5. Raptor Chicken

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #13

    Will the results be posted in this thread or a different one? I don't expect to win anything I'm just curious to see results.
  6. Raptor Chicken

    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    Am I reading right, you have air conditioning in your coop?
  7. Raptor Chicken

    OK To Feed Captured/Dead Japanese Beetles To The Flock?

    Just as an update we've been emptying the bags in a tub of water and giving them to the chickens. Some bugs are alive, most are dead. The chickens go at them with a passion. No problems a week in.
  8. Raptor Chicken

    OK To Feed Captured/Dead Japanese Beetles To The Flock?

    Thanks Tink! Anyone else have any experience?
  9. Raptor Chicken

    OK To Feed Captured/Dead Japanese Beetles To The Flock?

    Title says it all. We've got those hanging bag traps to lure Japanese Beetles from our garden and fruit trees. Is it OK to feed them to our chickens? It would be a mix of dead and mildly dead. FWIW there are no toxins in the traps. Its a citronella smelling lure that baits the beetles and they...
  10. Raptor Chicken

    Our "Oak Abode" chicken coop

    I'd beef the run up some but it looks good.
  11. Raptor Chicken

    Spring Granny Smith Apples OK?

    So we've got a couple apple trees and every year in early to mid spring some small non mature apples drop off to the ground. I'm wondering if we cut them into manageable pieces if they're ok to give to the chickens. We already give them a wide variety of scraps but the wife was worried for...
  12. Raptor Chicken

    The Great Debate: Free-Range vs. Coop-Raised Chickens

    I agree with what was said by a poster on the first page, I seriously doubt that many folks on this site truly free range their chickens. I think most folks have some kind of confined space, regardless of the size. Me personally, I have a 6x10 run attached to the 6x6 coop for 6 hens. My...
  13. Raptor Chicken

    New coop build

    Looks very nice. Looks like a similar build to mine minus the concrete.
  14. Raptor Chicken

    Ackerman’s Alumi-Coop Chicken Tractor - A Review

    You and me both! I'm glad they work for OP and they're happy but that price is insane.
  15. Raptor Chicken

    First Coop/Run Build - Looking for Guidance/Comments on Design

    Looks good but as someone else said thats going to be a nightmare if you ever have to go under the coop for any reason at all.
  16. Raptor Chicken

    Chicken Prison Completed

    Just an update, this set up is still working after the couple months or so since I first posted this. I highly suggest this for anyone else with a similar situation. And we did go with some pavers at the bottom of the fence. Thats working great.
  17. Raptor Chicken

    Using Chickens For Fertilizer?

    Do you get just the poop or did you have any straw or bedding mixed in?
  18. Raptor Chicken

    Using Chickens For Fertilizer?

    We decided to get serious about gardening this season and yesterday I tilled up a 8x55' plot, or at least broke ground. Still a lot more tilling to do. Mrs Raptor brought up trying to use the chicken poop as fertilizer. We use straw in our coop so any poop we got would be mixed with straw. Any...
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