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  1. S

    Silkie/Barred Rock mix cross

    Would they be sex-linked due to her being part barred rock?
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    Silkie/Barred Rock mix cross

    Thank you for your response! ☺️ So any babies would have more of a silkie feather-type and not smooth feathers??
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    Silkie/Barred Rock mix cross

    I have a hen who was produced by my barred rock mix rooster (his dad was pure barred rock, but I don’t know what his mom was) mating with one of my (seemingly) black silkie hens. I’m curious to know what her offspring might look like if she’s currently being bred by my silkie rooster. I acquired...
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    Silkie x Porcelain D’uccle?

    Like this, perhaps?
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    Silkie x Porcelain D’uccle?

    Will it end up having any color at all, do you think? Here’s a picture of the other baby.
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    Silkie x Porcelain D’uccle?

    So I had a hen go broody and gave her two of my porcelain d’uccle’s eggs to hatch because I’ve always been curious about what a cross between a porcelain d’uccle hen and a black silkie roo would look like. Well, one of the chicks came out looking exactly like a regular black silkie, and the...
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    Ivermectin for deworming?

    How much of the horse paste should be given?
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    Depluming Mites?

    Are the broken feathers something I should worry about?
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    Depluming Mites?

    He is a year and seven months, but my hen is only thirteen months. Picture isn’t the best, but I just took it, so it shows exactly what he looks like right now.
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    Depluming Mites?

    So I checked my rooster again recently and didn’t notice any tiny bugs moving (I did this late at night and also checked beneath the roosting bar), but it seems that he IS losing feathers as I’ve been finding a few here and there on the floor of the coop. Could he be molting? One of my hens is...
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    Depluming Mites?

    I didn’t see this kind of redness on any of my girls, but I will check again tonight. I read that active roosters naturally have red behinds due to hormones, but it almost looks like he has pimples back there. Is that a sign of mites?
  12. S

    Depluming Mites?

    I was doing a vent check last night of all my chickens, and I noticed my rooster’s butt looked quite red a little bit below his vent area. It doesn’t appear to be red everywhere, just in a few of the spots I checked. I’m wondering if it could be depluming mites. He’s not preening himself more...
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    Grass in My Chickens’ Poop

    I’ll do that then. When I had first provided it for them, I was actually really worried that they were going to gorge themselves on it, but they didn’t. If it doesn’t work though, and I still see grass, is there anything else I can do? Should I be seriously concerned?
  14. S

    Grass in My Chickens’ Poop

    Pellets make up the majority of their diet, yes. They will occasionally get treats like watermelon, banana, and scrambled eggs but no junk food whatsoever, and I always make sure that the treats they’re getting are easy for them to swallow. I don’t provide grit for them. I tried it once, and it...
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    Grass in My Chickens’ Poop

    My grass is short though and gets mowed regularly.
  16. S

    Grass in My Chickens’ Poop

    Is it normal to find grass in my chickens’ poop? I know they eat it as they free range 90% of the time, but I’ve only just recently been seeing a lot of grass in a few poops here and there.
  17. S

    White, Flaky Skin on Face

    Her eye is there. Sorry, I tried to take the picture at an angle that best showed what I was concerned about. My question was about the white stuff. Do I need to be concerned? My chickens free range most of the time, so they are out of the coop during the day and don’t bother my hen here, but...
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    White, Flaky Skin on Face

    I have a broody silkie hen that has been laying on eggs for the past four days, and today I noticed this white patch of skin on her face. I think one of my bigger hens was trying to lay in the nesting box she was in, so they took a few of her feathers out in the act of trying to get her to move...
  19. S

    Sour crop

    How much acv did you add to her water? I also have a chicken that I think has a very sensitive crop, and I’m not eager to keep giving her meds orally as it’s always a battle to get her to open her mouth.
  20. S

    Chicken dying from mite infestation, help!

    Update? I’m dealing with a slight stick-tight flea problem, and ectoline was recommended to me by a local poultry breeder. I couldn’t care less about my girls’ eggs, so the withdrawal period doesn’t concern me; however, I am concerned about the product having adverse effects on them in the long run.
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