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  1. Kool-Kemp

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Lol, thanks. The white cochin with feathered legs looks like she is wearing Elvis' outfit and we are still debating whether the Polish would be Keith Richards or Rod Stewart. :D:)
  2. Kool-Kemp

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    When John Lennon, Rod Stewart, Elvis Presley and John Travolta did a photo shoot together :).
  3. Kool-Kemp

    Weird growth/stuff on my chick feet

    I found out today that one of my Polish chicks got some weird stuff grew out from her nails/feet. At first, I thought it was just dirt stuck in the feet, I tried to wash it off but it didn’t come off, and the chick cried as if it hurt her when I tried to pick it off. Does anyone have any ideas...
  4. Kool-Kemp

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Yep! The Polish’s name is Rock Star 😂! She’s my favorite.
  5. Kool-Kemp

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    These are my 1 week old chicks, I hatched last week from an incubator, and their big sistas (white crested black Polish and frizzle Cochin). The juveniles are super friendly and gentle to the babies. They take care of them when I let them out in the grass when it warms up during the day. Btw...
  6. Kool-Kemp


    I have 4 that made it to the very last days, no pips no nothing, fully developed chicks inside. I knew they died when I made a hole on the eggs on day 22. I think they die around day 20. But it is ok. It is hard to know exactly when the best time to intervene is. I had 19 hatched out of 23 eggs.
  7. Kool-Kemp

    May 2023 Hatch-a-long

    I had 23 in incubator. 13 hatched, including 1 on the wrong side of the egg but hatched on its own. There is another one that I saw some bruise on the shell at the small end, but I will let it hatches out on its own, too. Now waiting on the last 10, we are on day 22 today.
  8. Kool-Kemp


    How exciting! I also have 23 in the incubator now. They are supposed to hatch tomorrow. I already saw 2 pips. I stagger some 2 days apart. So, I may have to do the same as what you are asking.
  9. Kool-Kemp

    What chick size for a mix between Phoenix hen and RR rooster?

    I have a Phoenix hen that mated with a RR roo, and she is sitting on some of her (small) eggs now. My question is will the chicks that she hatches be the size of Phoenix or RR chicken? And what determine the body size of mixed chicks (when they are full-grown)? The mom size or dad size?
  10. Kool-Kemp

    Hatch Grocery store eggs (Happy Egg Heritage brand)

    No development, again! :( Will try again if I can find some fresh fertile eggs in store.
  11. Kool-Kemp

    Hatch Grocery store eggs (Happy Egg Heritage brand)

    My previous store egg (no “fertile” mark on the carton) was not a success. Today, I saw this at a local Japanese grocery store. The egg carton says eggs are from California. Brown color eggs appear to be from RIR, some Welsumer and even Maran. Will set eggs tonight and try my luck again.
  12. Kool-Kemp

    Questions before chicks arrive

    I never used heat lamp for my chicks, even in winter. What I use is the regular (a bit high watt) bulb hanging on top of the amazon box that I use as brooder, connecting to a timer so it can turn off at some point of the night or day. When they are around 4 weeks old, I move them to the large...
  13. Kool-Kemp

    First time: Incubation Lavender Orpington Rooster w/ Welsummer and EE

    Would love to see some of your pictures. I am trying dry hatch right now. Humidity in my house is around 25-30% and my (NR360) incubator shows 22% which is fine. With dry hatch, I don't have to add water everyday which is a hassle. On day 18, I will put water in to make it 65% (last batch I got...
  14. Kool-Kemp

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Great to hear! When did it hatch? this morning? My 2 eggs are still sitting like rocks. But based on my last batch (a lot hatched quite late), I will give 1 or 2 more days from today.
  15. Kool-Kemp

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    How about the other? Did it hatch out? You said you have 2 Maran eggs in lockdown?!
  16. Kool-Kemp

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Let me know when yours start to pip. Seems like mine are at least 2 days behind.
  17. Kool-Kemp

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    What day are your Maran eggs on now? I'm getting anxious with mine (day 21 today).
  18. Kool-Kemp

    February 2023 hatch-a-long

    Does that mean always longer than 21 days? I have 2 Maran eggs in the incubator right now at day 21 and nothing is happening. So I wonder...
  19. Kool-Kemp

    Hatch Grocery store eggs (Happy Egg Heritage brand)

    Update: day 15 Out of 2 dozens, only 3 brown eggs are fertile, all the blue eggs are not. So, my guess is the blue eggs are collected from a different farm where there is no rooster. I accidentally cracked one of the fertile eggs, so now I am down to 2 developing eggs. Just candled this...
  20. Kool-Kemp

    Hatching: Again, to help or not to help?

    I think Aki is a girl! What do you think? 16 days old.
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