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  1. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    Thankyou. I was just about to ask you.:ya
  2. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    Yes that is what I'm going to do. Thankyou!:yesss:
  3. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    Wow No I'm a "tech phob" if that's what they call someone who never used Bluetooth. Lol I will try and figure something out. Otherwise I'm just going to buy the Pantacox and mix it in water. And unfortunately I will probably be back asking about the dosage for that because I also don't have a...
  4. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    I'm still learning how to post on this site. I wanted to copy what casportpony's dosage she gave me earlier. So if I'm getting this correctly I would have to weight each bird and give them 0.18 ml per pound of body weight on a piece of bread for 2-3 days?
  5. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    Thankyou Kathy I will one day try to learn how to do that. I'm going to see if I can get it on some food. But I guess I will have to weight each one to get the correct dosage? Nothing's easy I guess.
  6. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    Yes that is what I do when I worm them with safeguard. I put it in eggs individually. One of the birds can taste it and won't eat the mixture. But I was thinking orally would be down the throat. Can't do that. And I was afraid to mix it in eggs or bread. Actually that was my second question...
  7. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    Yes. I don't think I can handle doing that to 7 birds for 3 days in a row. You would have to syringe me some tranqs. Lol
  8. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    No I can barely hold them myself to replace their leg bands. Lol I think I will just buy the Pantacox and mix it in the water.
  9. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    I'm afraid I will put it down the wrong way
  10. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    I found this old post about Pantacox. Should I do this instead? "The dosage for peas is 12 ml per gallon. You do not need to make that much so I would cut that down to maybe a half-pint, (one cup). One cup would be 0.75ml. Many people have told me that they will let the birds drink the same...
  11. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    So orally is putting it down their throat? Afraid to do that. Can I mix it with egg or bread? Should I buy the powder instead to mix with water?
  12. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    I want to do my 6 young birds together. Can I make one batch of medicated water.How much should I put in of the meds in how much water.
  13. down2earth

    Toltrazuril 5 percent dosage for peafowl for coccidiosis

    I purchased 5 percent toltrazuril for a (presumed coccidiosis outbreak..white runny poo and diarrhea) in a 15 mL bottle from all bunnies website for my peafowl. I just read it is not water soluable and it is for oral dosing. Is this true? Can I mix it with water and what is the dosage for 2...
  14. down2earth

    Is grit needed for peachick?

    Can sand act as their grit?
  15. down2earth

    Is a 5'x10' inside coop area too small for a peacock and 2 hens?

    Thanks for the reply. I just needed someone to tell me it was a bad idea. Looks like another coop and run is a better idea.
  16. down2earth

    Is a 5'x10' inside coop area too small for a peacock and 2 hens?

    I divided a 10x10 shed/coop in half to make room for new peafowl. I also split a larger run in half to make another 10'x35' run which is the size of all my runs attached to all my various sized coops.(that's what happens when you keep adding on.) Now the one shed is 5'x10' on each side but each...
  17. down2earth

    Do you have any bronze chicks or females

    Do you have any bronze chicks or females
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