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  1. H

    Sick hen, I’m aware of what’s wrong but she won’t eat- what are the best tricks to get food in her?

    I hope your girl pulls through! My sick hen is the sweetest and most docile of the bunch so the others have been brutal to her when she joins them. I’m always appalled at how awful they can be! Anyways she’s still walking around and hanging on though she’s barely eating… We are taking it day by...
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    Sick hen, I’m aware of what’s wrong but she won’t eat- what are the best tricks to get food in her?

    I should mention that when I say, let nature take its course, I don’t mean to let her starve to death. We have a vet that can euthanize her peacefully. Of course I hope she will start eating a bit more though!
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    Sick hen, I’m aware of what’s wrong but she won’t eat- what are the best tricks to get food in her?

    I have not yet tube fed. But I did come across this link, I believe it was recommended on this site, but I looked through a bunch of different ones, so I can’t say for sure. I ended up stopping my hens pain...
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    Sick hen, I’m aware of what’s wrong but she won’t eat- what are the best tricks to get food in her?

    Thanks, I was thinking this too… I’m going to try to find supplies locally tomorrow. As the pain meds wore off this evening she did take a few bites and was slightly more alert so that’s hopeful but I think to be safe I’m going to have to figure out tube feeding.
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    Sick hen, I’m aware of what’s wrong but she won’t eat- what are the best tricks to get food in her?

    We’ve been to the vet, she likely has a reproductive issue. Probably Salpingitis. She was given an anabiotic and an anti-inflammatory/pain med. She was eating just a bit yesterday but not nearly enough. Today she won’t eat at all and I think it has something to do with the meds. I’m going to...
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    Lethargic hen- will not sit on roost, just stands with eyes closed and will not eat/drink.

    Updating in case it can help anyone! We were able to get into the vet right away and they say it is probably a tumor or maybe she is egg bound (could be both). IMO I think she was having diarrhea so perhaps isn’t egg bound but maybe there is some egg material causing her trouble if it isn’t a...
  7. H

    Lethargic hen- will not sit on roost, just stands with eyes closed and will not eat/drink.

    Also her crop was empty today before eating a few bites of food and scrambled eggs.
  8. H

    Lethargic hen- will not sit on roost, just stands with eyes closed and will not eat/drink.

    Update- she is drinking water, I think nearly a cup full in about 5-ish hours during isolation and will take a few bites of food. She finally layed down in her bedding today and then roosted sitting down for the evening. She doesn’t seem to be getting worse but is also not improving.
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    Lethargic hen- will not sit on roost, just stands with eyes closed and will not eat/drink.

    Hi there- looking for advice and appreciate the help! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Barred Rock- 3 years. Weight appears unchanged. Though she is a large girl and often seems to be slower because of it. 2) What is...
  10. H

    Mixed coop- new chicks and established hens- what to feed?

    Thanks! So does everyone eat both? And magically get what they need? I’ve also read that some keep everyone on a 20% protein and keep the calcium supplements nearby at all times.
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    Mixed coop- new chicks and established hens- what to feed?

    Hi there! Wondering what folks do when integrating their young chicks into the established flock- when it comes to feeding? Im thinking of feeding everyone the chick starter feed until the chicks no longer need it… Any concerns with this idea? I can’t think of any ways to feed them separately...
  12. H

    White bumps on comb?

    Hi all! My EE, Althea, (15 months old) has had these spots for some time, probably 1-2 months. They do not come off though I haven’t been forceful. Looks like a calcium deposit IMO. She otherwise shows no concerns and I do not see anything similar in her 6 flock mates. No lice/mites/etc. Is it...
  13. H

    White grub-like thing in chickens skin?

    @MarlaMac I think it is the gland LOL! I’m so new to this and just love having the help of this forum! Here I was really to tweezer it!
  14. H

    White grub-like thing in chickens skin?

    @Fluffy_Feathers This makes sense LOL! I’m so new to this and was noticing this all as I'm in a rush to be somewhere and just clean up her bloodied head from the others pecking at her. I did see her pecking at it and rubbing her head on it so yes this makes sense. It is at her tail too! Thank you.
  15. H

    White grub-like thing in chickens skin?

    @MarlaMac It’s just the one and it’s larger, though I’ve never seen flystrike. It looks like a maggot but more the size of a small grub.
  16. H

    White grub-like thing in chickens skin?

    What is this grub looking thing? It looks to be embedded in the skin and is definitely bothering her. I only noticed it as I was observing her because other chickens were pecking at her head and she was bloodied for it. After I cleaned her up and then observed to see if they would continue I...
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    Hens have watery stools, otherwise completely fine!

    @Wyorp Rock and @OneHappyDuckie I neglected to tag you in my reply!
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    Hens have watery stools, otherwise completely fine!

    No changes to feed or environment other than maybe this started slowly as they adjusted to less bugs in their diet due to winter?
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    Hens have watery stools, otherwise completely fine!

    We feed them Nutrena Nature Smart Organic Layer Crumbles (16%) and they occasionally get the same brand scratch feed as well as sunflowers seeds, meal worms, and occasional food scraps but I’ve really been limiting food scraps since the issue. Maybe 1-2 cups at the most of scratch/seeds every...
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    Hens have watery stools, otherwise completely fine!

    Hi there, need some help! We have 8 hens, and roughly 2/3 of them have had watery stools for nearly a month now. It started with just two or three and now we have a couple more with the issue. They are otherwise completely fine in my opinion, though I am new to raising chickens. They are eight...
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