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  1. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    Just an update for anyone who may see this post in the future - my chicken has made a full recovery! I followed Eggsessive's advice and gave my chicken the suggested vitamins. It took a few days but eventually she started walking more and more and now acts completely normal. I still don't know...
  2. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    This morning she looked the same, couldn't get up. I was able to give her some worms and nutridrench in water. I went to get the vit e and b complex and made get some scrambled eggs with the vitamins crushed/poured on top. She wouldn't eat it and I left for a moment to deal with the other...
  3. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    I'll definitely grab some ASAP tomorrow morning to give to her. Do you think it's possible this could be egg yolk peritonitis or something similar? When she does walk after I stand her up, it's just a few waddling steps and then she's down again...but also I haven't seen her poop at all, not...
  4. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    Ok thank you so much, I did separate her in a dog crate and then loosely covered the crate with a blanket in the run. I tested her feet, her toes are opening and closing and did curl around my hand, so I'm really at a loss for what could be happening with her :( she is not friendly but her...
  5. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    Yes her legs just give out when I stand her up, or she will take a few steps and then just plop down. I haven't seen her poop at all today but it's hard to say since I didn't get to spend a large portion of the day with her :( I put her in a wooden crate that's flipped on its side in the run and...
  6. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    Thank you so much for your response! I came home and she hasn't moved. She is not stuck in the coop, I put her by the water this morning and she hasn't moved from there. I gave her food and water by hand and she did eat and drink. I scrambled 2 eggs with crushed egg shells and garlic and she ate...
  7. resinchicken

    Chicken is suddenly not moving and can't walk

    Hello fellow chicken lovers. I have a 11 month old Jersey Giant who is suddenly not moving. Her legs look normal and she is alert and will eat from my hand, but will not get up or walk. She is normally incredibly skittish and unfriendly, so this is very concerning. I checked her vent, I don't...
  8. resinchicken

    Cecal or coccidiosis poop? *Poop pics inside*

    Whew! Thank you so much for confirming, definitely a relief!
  9. resinchicken

    Cecal or coccidiosis poop? *Poop pics inside*

    Hope everyone is having a great week so far! A few weeks ago I dealt with coccidiosis, I had a thread about it here for those poop pics. It was awful but after being on corrid for a week, it cleared those nasty protozoa right up. This morning I let the crew out of the coop and found 3 poops...
  10. resinchicken

    Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)

    Ok so to give an update here - it's been about a week and a half since this Coccidiosis nightmare started and 2 of my birdies were doing very poorly, their combs and waddles were nearly white and they were pooping just straight blood. One of them wouldn't eat or drink, so I had to give her the...
  11. resinchicken

    Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)

    Thank you so much for your replies, I truly appreciate your advice so much. It has been so hard to keep the run dry because it's constantly raining here, so tomorrow I will get mulch to cover the floor of the run, I hope that will work to improve the run. In the meantime I cleaned out the run...
  12. resinchicken

    About Meraks

    Hi there, how are the chicks doing? I just made the same mistake of giving too much Corid with a direct dose. I'm so mad at myself. I am hoping your babies made it through and are doing okay 🙏
  13. resinchicken

    Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)

    Thank you so much for your response - I'm glad that I can rule out tomatoes or watermelon as a possibility. I started giving them the Corid this morning - 2 of my birds are really not looking their best. Very pale combs and waddles and one is not interested in even mealworms as they usually are...
  14. resinchicken

    Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)

    Unfortunately I woke up this morning to these poops and it's worse than it was yesterday. I am going to get Corid now and a chicken vitamin I found recommended for after their course of Corid. What do I do afterwards to ensure this doesn't happen again? The floor of the run is just dirt, does...
  15. resinchicken

    Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)

    Thank you for this info! I called my hometown Rural King I bought them from and they claim that they only sell vaxed chicks that are vaxed for Marek's and Coccidiosis, and only the turkey, ducks, quail, guineas etc are not vaxed at all. I did feed them medicated feed when they were...
  16. resinchicken

    Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! All of my 9 pullets (Black Jersey's, Mystic Onyx, and Olive Eggers) are about 6 months old and one of them has gone broody as of 2 days ago. I came out to check on her and pull her out of the nesting box and found 3 bloody poops in the chicken run. It has been...
  17. resinchicken

    Jersey Giant and Mystic Onyx.. definitely roos?

    I see what you mean. I just looked up saddle feathers for roos and they are really pointy where this bird doesn't have pointy saddle feathers. Weirdly, I was so stressed at the prospect of having a roo but over time I've come to really like the idea so I'm actually a little bit sad hahah.
  18. resinchicken

    Jersey Giant and Mystic Onyx.. definitely roos?

    Okay so now the Jersey is 17 weeks. It is very clear now that the Mystic Onyx is absolutely a pullet, but that Jersey is suspicious lol. Here are some updated pics. The comb is not huge but it looks like it has saddle feathers? It used to have a few tall dropping feathers at the top of the tail...
  19. resinchicken

    Cervical Degloved Wild Goose **Graphic Images***

    Thank you for the update, I'm so sorry to hear that, but thank you for trying everything you could to help. You have a big heart ❤️
  20. resinchicken

    Jersey Giant and Mystic Onyx.. definitely roos?

    Thank you for the comment, I will absolutely post updated pics in a few weeks 😊
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