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    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Dang, they passed when I came back. Thank you so much! It sucks how quick they passed, didn't have a chance ...
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    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Yes I got them out they were only under for 5 ish minutes, they are 3 months old (born novemeber), I had dipped them sugar water. Right now they are in my lap and doing the leg stretch and leg twist (I think they are dying :(
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    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Hey I need quick answers please, doesnt matter if its a sentence or bullet points, etc. My ameracauana had, had a change of attitude since monday but I thought it was just going at a slower pace since i had started letting them free range, and thought it was looking for bugs. Well today I come...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Thank you for the help, he sadly passed. I will make sure to know that for next time thank you friend :hugs
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Hey, thank you for this. I now know for next time what to do immediately. Sadly this week has jus tbeen so sucky, first I lose one of my 2 turkey poults (the other is still thriving), then I lose a baby chick, after that is my favorite sultan roo, and now its my 1 year old Pinto quail, yes sadly...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    I don't have bedding because of the amount of chicks I've had to deal with but I can use something else for sure! I had salined yesterday every 1-2 hours and today you just reminded me about the ointment, so yes I added the ointment. To drink I have been giving him some electrolytes using a...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    (Turned the light on bright just to take the photo, I turned it back to orange ish red right after)
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    I upgraded his cage! It is one of those Roa it cages with like metal all around but a lot of room (want him to be be comfy), he has just been standing in one place with his head down but body up 😕. I haven’t seen him eat or drink myself but I use a dropper and slowly drop water for him to drink...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Also I'm not sure if his eyes are swollen or they shifted or the skin is being pulled back to heal buy his eyes look more forward than where his eye hole is, is there anyways I can help him with that?
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Okay thank you:)! No I don’t see lice (not like my previous poor sultan had but I am just concerned in case he does have some, he doesn’t seem to be messing with his feathers much so I don’t really think so) I sadly don’t have vitamins I only had dewormer (which I had mixed the natural...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Hey so I found some but it’s not from here and is a different brand, it’s still the terramicina and an eye ointment (it’s for humans, that fine?). Does it work? Also I’m guessing I would obviously use a cotton swab to apply it (want to make sure not to harm him anymore than he is already is).
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Hey sorry just saw this, thank you for the tips, he would eat pellets (by like swallowing them like a hot dog till one day Inreslized it must suck as it must take a lot of space and little food in his (forgot what the ball thing is called)). Now he eats the same as the chicks which is protein...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Last post for a little while (I’m typing a lot), should I apply a small amount of poultry permethrin dust onto him? I am asking because due to my last thread I believe I have a mite/lice infestation so I don’t want him dealing with that and those insects, also I don’t them to go to my chicks...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Small update I have him on my lap on my chair and I think he can see but blurry ish (kind of reminds me on when I broke a stick and a piece flew into my eye how my eye was blurry for a couple days/hours) anyways I think so because he is like cuddling next to my arm as I am typing this 🥲
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Also @Ursuline Chick I changed the color on my led light bulb and si think him and the chicks next to him enjoy it more, so thank you, ❤️🙏 instead of it looking like the sun in their face it’s now like a sunset color, orange ish and yellow ish (darker but still light enough to see) they are also...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Thank you I am trying that, thankfully he is alive it seems like his eyeball is shifted a little to the bottom or his skin is shifted up top. Also any idea why sometimes he starts walking backwards? He is okay (alive not necessarily living the best right now but alive) just has been standing...
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    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Okay thank you so much! I don’t think I have Vetericyn, I ran out a week ago Can something like ice help? Or Vic’s, Vaseline? I had previously used to capture them and drown them too, was asking because I wasn’t sure if it was effective, thank you! Saline like the nose spray? Or is there...
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