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  1. Orpigton

    Chicken suddenly sick!! Please help!!!

    Might be coccidiosis, tractor supply sells medicine for this and it worked for me in the past. Until you can get that try to keep her warm, try, and at the very least drinking something
  2. Orpigton

    dumb question: does the cold effect egg laying?

    Although the cold definitely effects laying, it is the lack of light that has the most detrimental effect. It is odd she has not played in that long but wait until spring before getting rid of her.
  3. Orpigton

    Chickens sneezing and wheezing and some sounding congested

    Are there runs/houses dusty? It is not always a medical issue but a simple one like this! Even if it is not dusty I would recommend deep cleaning everything, changing the bedding and making sure they get as much outside time (as long as it's not dusty out!) as they can, and they sell pretty...
  4. Orpigton

    Whatcha Making for Supper?

  5. Orpigton

    Rooster or No Rooster?

    I think you should. When raised right they really are sweet animals and make the hens feel safer.
  6. Orpigton

    What temperature does is too cold at night? When to add heat lamp and door on coop?

    I believe as long as they have plenty of bedding and you have multiple chickens, I am assuming you do, no heat is necessary and as long as they have good wind breaks you shouldn't need a door. In fact most of my chickens refuse to sleep inside no matter the weather!
  7. Orpigton

    Review by 'Orpigton' in article 'Selecting the best breeds for your flock.'

    I liked it when you noted your own experience! It is crazy you had a triple yoker!!!!! My only suggestion would be maybe to add a questions list of what the reader may want out of a breed. This will help them really get to thinking. Great job!
  8. Orpigton

    Suggestions for a VERY muddy run?

    Error on my last reply I like pine shavings or straw in the hen house!
  9. Orpigton

    Suggestions for a VERY muddy run?

    YES! That is another reason for runs but not hen houses I prefer wood chips.
  10. Orpigton

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #19

    Hello has a decision been made?
  11. Orpigton

    Suggestions for a VERY muddy run?

    For the run we use wood chips because they work great, and we put a ton down because we get them for free from a local tree service. we normally have a bunch sitting around at any given time. If not wood chips then straw or leaves but wood chips are no doubt the best.
  12. Orpigton

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #19

    When will winners be announced?
  13. Orpigton

    April Fool's Day 2023 | Introducing TudyBOT - Our New AI BYC Member

    @TudyBOT Is it true you can taste what your chickens eat? For example, if a chicken eats garlic will it's eggs taste like garlic?
  14. Orpigton

    April Fool's Day 2023 | Introducing TudyBOT - Our New AI BYC Member

    @TudyBOT Why do some chickens lay brown eggs and some chickens lay white eggs?
  15. Orpigton

    Name Help!

    Maybe vanilla (simple). Banana (also simple) Mallo (mallo cup) I also posted some other ideas before I saw these pictures!:)
  16. Orpigton

    Name Help!

    For a black austorlorp or other black birds maybe licorice (black licorice) Maybe lychee, I found it on an exotic fruits list and love the idea of yelling “Lychee!”. Maybe taffy(salt water taffy) Or Laffy and Taffy! (Laffy Taffy)
  17. Orpigton

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #19

    My article! Thankyou for the help!
  18. Using Chickens To Regenerate, Add On To, And Keep Soil Healthy

    Using Chickens To Regenerate, Add On To, And Keep Soil Healthy

    Using Chickens to Regenerate, Add On To, and Keep Soil Healthy By:Mason Cain Any gardener, new or old, knows that preparing land for a garden (especially brand new land) is hard work. Whether you till or no till, dig or no dig, mulch or no mulch. We (any gardener) also know that it is not...
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