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  1. ThracianHorse

    Chickens dealing w/ grief. Dog dangers.

    I don't know where you live, but even in California, marauding dogs that are caught killing or harassing livestock may be killed. If you caught, then proceeded to torture said dog, or killed it via drowning? Then federal animal cruelty statues might apply. Assuming you could prove it. As...
  2. ThracianHorse

    Anyone know what these are?

    Fortunately, lice are extremely species specific. Bird lice literally don't have the mouth-parts to deal with getting through human skin to get at your blood. They can crawl all over you, but they'll starve to death. The others have good ideas about treating at roosting time. Also, you might...
  3. ThracianHorse

    Needing advice re possible Mareks

    If this is mareks the only thing that will tell for sure is having a freshly deceased or culled bird sent for necropsy. Comparing symptoms and looking up everything you can on the internet is no replacement for certified testing, and you'll get a clear answer. A number of the symptoms of mareks...
  4. ThracianHorse

    how to prevent mareks in 7 month olds

    No necropsy = no diagnosis. Reading about symptoms and what is "definitely Mareks" is no replacement for an actual certified diagnosis. A suite of symptoms does not equal Mareks. Do the responsible thing, get your bird necropsied. If nothing else, you might get other explanations and answers...
  5. ThracianHorse

    Anyone know what these are?

    If you can't use the dust then retreat every 3-4 days with the stuff you used. What you are trying to do is kill the lice after they hatch, but before they become adults and lay more eggs. Retreating several times will knock out the infestation, hopefully.
  6. ThracianHorse

    Anyone know what these are?

    Bird lice eggs. Time to treat with permetherin dust. Wait. Looks like you already treated... wait a few days, retreat to get any hatched larvae, wait a few more days, retreat a third time. Ought to knock those little bloodsuckers out. Permetherin dust does not affect eggs, only live adults and...
  7. ThracianHorse

    Source for Rangers / CornishX Chicks

    I am going to be the voice of dissent on Meyers for cornish X. First batch of 25 I got from them two years ago? Perfect. No problems. Last year? Birds dropping dead at 7 weeks of age and 3 or 4 at butchering time out of 20ish remaining birds from a starting number of 25 (8 weeks old on the nose)...
  8. ThracianHorse


    This is not a good time of the year to be looking for eggs, and I would not try getting them in the mail. The risk of freezing and killing fertile eggs is too great in transit (That is assuming any survive shipping, which if you've done your homework, hatching rate of shipped eggs is usually...
  9. ThracianHorse

    Barred Rock Cockeral

    12 weeks is a little too young to assess his behavior as an adult. I would say if the other rooster tolerates his presence, keep both for the time being as both are pretty young. You should know by 6 to 9 months of age if he is going to be a problem, as that seems to be when the proverbial balls...
  10. ThracianHorse

    No, I don’t have any regrets about eating animals.

    There are numerous monkey species that will hunt and kill things. Chimpanzees are well-documented for their cooperative behavior in hunting monkeys. Humans aren't herbivores - lack of fangs and claws does not define that. Octopus and squid have neither, yet they are predators.
  11. ThracianHorse

    don’t you feel bad?

    Heresy! (just kidding) I've been to Asian countries where dog and cat was common fare, and I was offered horse in Europe (it was actually pretty tasty!). When in Rome... I don't judge people eating as they do. To me it matters if my food has been raised well. (Also, you try explaining to a...
  12. ThracianHorse

    don’t you feel bad?

    And other people do... you miss the point here. You have the people who have been keeping them as meat animals to thank for your pets. This is why people do not feel bad when it comes time to slaughter, because we are treating them as intended. You don't have to, and clearly don't, but we do...
  13. ThracianHorse

    don’t you feel bad?

    I don't think anyone is upset, but I think we find your perspective hard to understand, and your comment about euthanizing dogs and cats here is a good example. Dogs and cats are considered to be pets, not something that graces the dinner-table. Ducks are something people keep for meat, for...
  14. ThracianHorse

    don’t you feel bad?

    Nope. I don't feel bad at all. I suggest also reading up about the self-destructing tendencies of the cornish cross. There is something it is more merciful to kill than allow it to live past a certain point. Same for broad breasted turkeys. I am of the opinion that if you are unwilling to take...
  15. ThracianHorse

    My Dark Cornish project

    Cornish are not known for being fast growers, nor are they known for being particularly big birds. What they have is density. They have that wide-set frame with a proportionately wide breast even though they are not huge. This is why you see cornish crossed with lots of things especially if they...
  16. ThracianHorse


    Butchering isn't a clean or smell-absent process.
  17. ThracianHorse

    Colorado Liability??

    Excellent! Don't forget to document this conversation and make lots of notes about it. Animal control would be the final authority if your neighbors try anything.
  18. ThracianHorse

    Colorado Liability??

    Pretty sure that's a no. That's a risk of free-ranging. They were on your property. Like other livestock, it's their job to keep them fenced in. Take pictures and document what they said if they decide to try to make good on that threat. (Even if they took you to court, the judge would laugh...
  19. ThracianHorse

    Esa chickens

    This. You are making people who need emotional support animals look bad. By extension, you hurt those who have genuine service animals. Either move someplace where you are allowed to have chickens, or work to change your ordinances.
  20. ThracianHorse

    USPS charged me $14.10

    I think that lady just stole right outta your pocket. Like other have said, you go back with your receipt that you paid that woman, plus the receipt from the hatchery and you have a discussion with the Postmaster, and you skip that woman entirely. How many other people has this woman stolen...
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