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    Combining TSC Guardian Coop with Universal Poultry Pen?

    I don't have a current picture but this gives an idea. I just left off the door on the coop run and one whole side of the pen. Then filled in with hardware cloth and when I was waiting for more to come in the mail used chicken wire on the sides to close the gaps. Also didn't use the included...
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    Chick Identification

    Looks like you were right. Thank you!
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    Chick Identification

    Thanks for posting this. Looks like the folks here were right and the TSC employee was wrong. Mine look very similar. They're much bigger than my other chicks.
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    Meet the Inflation Chicken

    I'm really not sure what they are yet. All they had was a mixed pullet bin left when I got there.
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    Meet the Inflation Chicken

    Sorry for the long delay. I ended up going to TSC and just took what I could get this year. They're still cute and they'll help keep my two lonely girls warm next winter.
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    Chick Identification

    Called and spoke to the person in charge of chicks at my TSC and he confirmed it was an assortment of breeds, not a single breed called a "Rainbow".
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    Chick Identification

    I thought that at first, but something had me wondering. The reason I suspect it's Ideals, is because the sign didn't show what color the eggs would be, but did on the other signs. The eggs were kind of blued/greyed out. I'm going to call to find out tomorrow when the guy with more knowledge is in.
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    Chick Identification

    Here's all of the chicks. The Black Sex Link are clearly smaller.
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    Chick Identification

    Following because I picked up 3 from the "Rainbow" bin at my TSC today. I think they're from Ideal Hatchery? The guy who had the knowledge was really busy and I didn't get to ask which chicks came from Ideal and which came from Hoover. I'll post pics later of my 3 "Rainbows". They're a bit...
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    Meet the Inflation Chicken

    Yep, my order placed a month or so ago got cancelled because cackle didn't have enough pullets to place the order. They are doing their best I'm sure.
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    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    You're right. People act that way about hunting too. Somehow it's fine if they buy that factory farmed meat, but hunting or raising your own meat is beyond the pale. So bizarre to me.
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    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Hi there. This made me chuckle to think about. I've been around OV (Original Vegans) when I worked for a Yoga retreat way back in my youth, and I think that I know the kind of people you are talking about. :) And yep, never once was anyone pushy, angry, self-righteous, preachy, or any of the...
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    Western MA Chicken Lady & Country wannabe.

    Thanks everyone! Yes, I can't wait for the babies to arrive. It's very exciting. 😄
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    Western MA Chicken Lady & Country wannabe.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've had chickens since 2020 when a friend had a huge clutch of them from a broody hen. Built my coop as fast as I could before colder weather set in and they got too big for my basement chicken box fort. (2) How many chickens do...
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