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  1. AYoung90

    Crossing Dark Brahma roo x with these hens, what will I get?

    If you put a dark brahma rooster with barred rock hens, they will be sex link. Males will e black with a spot on their head. Females will be all black. Ove done it once. Supposedly that works with cuckoo marans hens too (they loom very similar to barred rocks), but I haven't tried it.
  2. AYoung90

    egg yolk peritonitis?

    That's what I was afraid of! Thank you.
  3. AYoung90

    egg yolk peritonitis?

    I have an older hen with a very firm abdomen. It's very hard & hot. She waddles around the yard & just looks so uncomfortable. I havent seen her lay an egg in a few weeks now. She's an older hen (not sure how old, but I'm almost certain she's over 4 years old), so at first I didn't think...
  4. AYoung90

    Lice treatment for rooster

    Great idea, I have lots of coconut oil. Thanks!
  5. AYoung90

    Lice treatment for rooster

    I'm thinking these are lice nits? Theyre all over around his legs & underside. I'm pretty confident it's lice though, we've had it before, but never this bad. I have him separated & will definitely be cleaning & treating the coop. Thank you for the advice on supplements!! I did give him eggs &...
  6. AYoung90

    Scaly leg mites and chicken lice

    I'm dealing with chicken lice & I came across someone that said to buy concentrated permethrin, mix it with a lot of water (I think it was 1/16cup permethrin with 5gal of water in a bucket -- but double check to make sure), & quickly dunk the infested chicken(s). I'm using a permethrin spray...
  7. AYoung90

    Lice treatment for rooster

    I'm mostly posting because I need reassurance that I'm doing the right thing. I have a Brahma rooster that is covered in lice & nits.... I discovered the infestation because he has been laying down a lot, & very wobbly when he's up trying to keep up with the flock, & I was checking for...
  8. AYoung90

    Mama hen off her eggs overnight at ~19 days. Will they hatch??

    That's my thinking too. High 60s/low70s. Still cool for eggs ☹️
  9. AYoung90

    Mama hen off her eggs overnight at ~19 days. Will they hatch??

    I need advice please! I have another broody hen who has been dutifully sitting in her eggs for about 20 days now. Around day 3 or 4, she got back in the wrong nesting box & was sitting on the wrong set of eggs. I put her back on her eggs as soon as I noticed, but I'm guessing that will delay...
  10. AYoung90

    What happened to this chick/egg?

    I have a Cream Legbar on eggs that have started hatching.... this was the first egg to "hatch". I found it dead like this & mama hen had buried it under the bedding. Did something cause it to hatch only halfway & then die? Does this just happen sometimes? This is my second attempt at having a...
  11. AYoung90

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi! I'm in Mesa too! It does get VERY hot in the summer & they will need some special attention, BUT most breeds will do okay. We flood a shady spot in the yard for them to stand in the water, & run a fan in their coop during the day. I give them a bowl of ice water mid day (but not as their...
  12. AYoung90

    First egg is hatching, but Mama Hen is off the nest....

    My hen has been sitting on eggs for 21 days, & the first egg has pipped, but she's off the nest!! Is that normal? She had been leaving the nest once or twice a day (which I know normal), but is it okay now that that one has pipped? Should I go get her & put her back?
  13. AYoung90

    I keep finding broken eggs under my broody hen

    It's frustrating isn't it? Based on the replies I've gotten, I'm wondering if other hens are fighting her for the box-- I think she chose everyone's favorite box to go broody in. I have a specific EE in mind that does favor that box... anyway, possibly other hens causing problems? This kind of...
  14. AYoung90

    I keep finding broken eggs under my broody hen

    Thank you all! I think she did decide to hatch her eggs in one of the favorite nesting boxes, so it would make sense that other hens would fight her for it. I tried one more time to move her to a new nest (this time i moved her at night), & she settled on them just fine without panicking. I...
  15. AYoung90

    I keep finding broken eggs under my broody hen

    I have a broody hen sitting on eggs. They should start to hatch in two or three days. However, the last two days I have gone out to check on her & her eggs, I have found a broken egg (& a dead, mostly developed chick ☹️) under her with the other eggs. Along with the ruined egg, I keep finding a...
  16. AYoung90

    Can I give ducklings to a broody hen?

    I have a broody hen who's eggs should hatch in about 5 days. I'm wondering if i can sneak a couple ducklings under her? We have been wanting ducks for eggs & I could order a couple ducklings to have them here just after chick hatching is done. Have you done this? Should I NOT do this? Any...
  17. AYoung90

    Is a Silver Laced Wyandotte considered a barred hen?

    Awesome, thank you!! I had read somewhere that you could make sex link chicks with SLW hens.... the red base Brahma makes sense. Mine isn't red based (he's a dark Brahma, lots of black) but still good to know!! He did make black sex link females with my barred rock hens!
  18. AYoung90

    Weird egg

    That link has so much info! Her eggs are a mix of corrugated & wrinkled, I've seen both from her. Thank you! I'll see what I can do for her.
  19. AYoung90

    Weird egg

    First, I'm sorry if this is under the wrong section. It seemed the most relevant, although this is in no way an emergency. I'm wondering if this has to do with a past injury? Anyway, I have a sweet Leghorn hen who lays eggs like this almost everyday. The shells are not smooth, & they are...
  20. AYoung90

    Is a Silver Laced Wyandotte considered a barred hen?

    I just hatched sex-link chicks with my Brahma rooster & barred rock hens. (Males had yellow spots on their head, females had all black heads 🥳) Can I use my silver laced Wyandotte hens also, to get sex-link chicks with the same rooster? Thanks!!!
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