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  1. curiouseclectic

    Moving chicks to the coop...with one chick developmentally behind

    Aww a tiny silkie?! I can't even imagine how cute that must be.
  2. curiouseclectic

    Moving chicks to the coop...with one chick developmentally behind

    Great! Thanks so much both of you :) I definitely over-babied them then 😂 Well, they are getting kicked out now 👍
  3. curiouseclectic

    Moving chicks to the coop...with one chick developmentally behind

    Hello! I have four Bielefelder chicks who are just about to turn 8 weeks old at the end of this week and I am hoping to get them outside permanently. I've been putting them in their coop/run during the day (weather permitting) for the past few weeks preparation. I'm in Pittsburgh and the...
  4. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    I just wanted to close out this thread in case someone reads it later and wants to know what I decided. I ended up getting 4 female bielefelders from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries. As a first time chicken keeper I’m glad I decided to go with an auto-sexing breed for peace of mind 😊 thanks everyone for...
  5. curiouseclectic

    Raising Fall/Winter Chicks

    Thanks for all the input everyone! Looks like I don’t really have the infrastructure to do it in a sane way (no electricity to the coop yet) and it sounds like keeping chickens in the basement overwinter will not be fun. I’ll just need to be patient and wait until spring. Thanks again for the...
  6. curiouseclectic

    Raising Fall/Winter Chicks

    Hello! I just got approved for suburban chicken keeping and got my coop. I plan on getting 3-4 female bielefelders from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries. Approval and setup took longer this year than I wanted, so my question is this: 1. Is it a crazy idea to get chicks at the end of November and raise...
  7. curiouseclectic

    New Member Introduction - Hello!

    Thanks! I’ve already found myself down several rabbit holes :)
  8. curiouseclectic

    New Member Introduction - Hello!

    Thanks! And thanks for your sharing your experience with Biels on the other thread. it's super helpful to hear from experienced folks :)
  9. curiouseclectic

    New Member Introduction - Hello!

    Hello everyone! I'm located in Pittsburgh, PA and am brand new to chickens. I'm currently preparing for my first 3 hens this summer (currently trying to decide between Ameraucanas, Salmon Faverolles, or an auto-sexing breed like Bielefelders and the best method to source chicks without getting...
  10. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Yikes! Thanks for the heads up I’ll keep an eye out.
  11. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Yeah I agree I would definitely be fine paying extra. Have you had Biels before? How do you like them?
  12. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Thanks for the suggestion! I’m starting to look at Freehling Farms locally to explore this strategy.
  13. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check them out. It's good to know they have true Ameraucanas because I know a lot of the times they are EE's etc. Also great to hear they all have come sexed correctly for you!
  14. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    I'm so sorry to hear that! Disease introduction is definitely something for me to think about, thank you.
  15. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Thanks for the recommendation! Yeah, I've suspected as much that chicks really are the best way to get friendly birds. I'll check out Mt. Healthy!
  16. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Thanks, I will definitely educate myself a bit more if I go the pullet route. Interesting about your Ameraucanas! Always good to hear someones lived experience with a breed.
  17. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    I am definitely a worrier and a risk-mitigator, so the reminder to have fun is much appreciated :) I'll see if I can find a breeder nearby and check them out.
  18. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    Thank you all for your feedback! All great advice. I'll update the thread with what I end up going with and how it goes!
  19. curiouseclectic

    In need of advice: avoiding an accidental rooster

    I’m in the process of planning for my very first 3 chickens in the late summer/early fall this year. I’ve done a lot of research about what breed would work best for me and fell in love with Ameraucanas. They are supposed to have nice temperaments, lay well, are cold-hardy and I absolutely...
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