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  1. C

    Pullet/baby chick keeps chasing one around

    I replied and it got eaten apparently. The chicks are a little over 4 weeks old now, almost 5. They got too hot because their brooder is outside and I didn't catch that the sun had come out in time. There's 6 of them and they have 9 square feet. I did end up taking your advice, I went to the...
  2. C

    Pullet/baby chick keeps chasing one around

    2nd time raising chicks but first time this has happened, one of my brown sexlinks (so the only reason i assume shes a hen) started chasing my Wyandotte around today. I found her practically attached, and my Wyandotte already had bloody spots on her wings. Shes okay now, i took her inside to...
  3. C

    Weird dots in egg

    Hope this is the right thread. Ive got some weird hard dots inside one chickens egg. They group together and are about the size of a pencil dot. Theyre hard and the same color as the egg shell. Theyre not attached to each other and can be seperated. This is the second time ive noticed these. The...
  4. C


    Hello, I'm from over in Western Washington. I've had chickens for about three years now. Currently I have four, as we lost one to a coyote and one to the smoke from that fire we had a few years back. I've got one plymouth rock and three easter eggers. My favorite part of raising chickens is...
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