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  1. Z

    Head Trauma?

    I gave it selenium and vit. E with supplements and coco water, and raw egg and it made a full recovery:)
  2. Z

    Head Trauma?

    I have it separated from the rest for now, in a few days I’m going to move the rest to a larger outdoor coop. Any else I can do? I heard wry neck and slipped tendon could be from vitamin deficiencies from the parents or genetic as well.
  3. Z

    Head Trauma?

    Hello, I’m raising some chicks and have been having some issues with this run. I have my ayam cemani and polish together as they grew way faster than the silkie chicks. I was treating them with corid and they seemed to do better so I then started to give them vitamin supplements immediately...
  4. Z

    Chick Starter/Grower for Pullets/Hens,/Rooster for now?

    Thank you, is there any brand of oyster shell you recommend? I saw scratch and peck was a good one, although expensive, seemed to be the best choice for most birds then the pebble varieties.
  5. Z

    Chick Starter/Grower for Pullets/Hens,/Rooster for now?

    Hello, I have been doing a lot of research here regarding the types of feed to give our chickens. I looked at other threads and thought my situation was a little unique so that's why I am posting. I currently have ten 12 week pullets, one young rooster, and two adult laying hens (EE and...
  6. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    This was the other day. More than half were pooping blood. Now there is barely any blood but still some.
  7. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    This is arriving tomorrow and what was recommended to me from another silkie breeder.
  8. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    I need to keep treating the coccidia what should I do? Should I continue the amprolium for a few more days? Is there something that I can give it that will decrease of kill coccidia but won’t affect vitamin intake?
  9. Z

    Wry neck and amprolium

    I have some chicks that I am currently treating for coccidia as I found that they had some bloody poop. They range 3-5 weeks old and seem to be doing better on the amprolium treatment. I did notice on day two that my frizzle silkie had developed wry neck. Could this be from me treating with...
  10. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    This is day 3 of treatment, little to no blood so I’m crossing my fingers I don’t see any tomorrow morning.
  11. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    The chick is a frizzle silkie so can that be the reason?
  12. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Will do, in next day or so I will get another bin to seperate the large ones so they get space. Just got to wait on Amazon.
  13. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Thank you so much for the help. I just want to give them the best at life.
  14. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Ok will do. Do I need to worry about this later in the road. I assume all chickens housed outside carry a form of coccidia? Once these are treated am I fine to eventually introduce them to the rest of the flock?
  15. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Thank you, how often should I deep clean with ammonia? Everyday? I am cleaning and replacing paper towels a few times a day, trying to minimize ground contact with dropped poop.
  16. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Thank you. I am looking into a larger area now. I started giving them 2 teaspoon/gallon corid yesterday. Is there a specific cleaning regime I should do with ammonia? I was thinking just everyday when possible. I do remember having to give them a different feed, which was a couple days before...
  17. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Some of them seem to be keeping their heads close to their body as if they’re resting but when I approach them they run around all excited. They seem pretty active and I don’t see anything sulking or acting extra weird. Is there a cleaning regime you’d recommend?
  18. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Should I worry about that amount of blood as well? It seems like a lot. I’m trying my best and want them to thrive and survive. Also is there any way to clean them off? They often step on poop.
  19. Z

    Bloody poop with chicks

    Hello, I am a new chicken keeper and this is my second time raising chicks. My first time I had no issues whatsoever but this time I believe I may have come across coccidia. I have ayam cemani, polish, silkies, and a white sultan in a brooder setup. They’re currently ranging from 3-4 weeks old...
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