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  1. Lavender Mum

    Ameraucana genetics question

    Hey how much do you sell your chicks for?
  2. Lavender Mum

    Lavender Ameraucanas - Male or Female?

    Looks like 2 boys to me. I have 6 Lavender Ameraucana that are 5 months old.
  3. Lavender Mum

    Review by 'Lavender Mum' in article 'Wholesome home-made chicken feed, without sweat, tears, a calculator, or deep pockets.'

    Perris you've done it again! The information you give and the time you dedicate to this is incredible. My 11 chicks have been on a homemade feed since hatching and I 100% agree with everything you are talking about. -I highly suggest anyone reading this to try out Perris' method. Trust your...
  4. Lavender Mum

    Soaking whole grain mix overnight for chicks

    I stopped the egg shells early on after another person I speak to told me they don't need them yet.
  5. Lavender Mum

    Lavender Ameraucanas?

    I vote 2 pullets. They look just like my 5 lavender ameraucana pullets. Mine are 2 months old in this pic.
  6. Lavender Mum

    Sexing my Lavender Ameraucana chicks

    update: Hugh didn't grow to be as pretty in color as Ivan so I actually re-homed Hugh yesterday. Ivan has since calmed down a lot. He's friendly with me and my kids and he is gorgeous. He isn't pecking the little EE babies anymore either. Maybe there a little bigger and less annoying to him now...
  7. Lavender Mum

    Sexing my Lavender Ameraucana chicks

    Hey JACM, It turns out I have two roosters. I lost two of my chicks that I was sure were girls so it stinks I won't know for sure on those two. One roo (Hugh) I guessed correct. One of my other chicks surprised me because the wings looked like the girls and is tail feathers came in fast and at...
  8. Lavender Mum

    Sexing my Lavender Ameraucana chicks

    Hey FFN, So I have two roosters. One (Hugh) I was right about from the start but, a second one named Ivy at first (Ivan now lol) has surprised me. I thought it was a girl for sure. Another chick named Gemmy I swore was a boy after a few weeks because the tail feather growth was basically not...
  9. Lavender Mum

    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    Mine is fermented in 2-3 days. I add one small spoonful of plain yogurt to my mix because it helps speed up the fermentation process.
  10. Lavender Mum

    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    I give them enough of the feed to fill their food bowl in the early am. Later in the morning when I can get them out, I let them free range for a few hours. I feed them again in the afternoon and throw in broccoli too because they love it. I give them a can of sardines 1-2x a week with the...
  11. Lavender Mum

    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    All my chicks did fine with it. The only thing I did different when they were younger is that I blended it in a food processor to make the mix more of a crumble for them.
  12. Lavender Mum

    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    Out of all 14 of my chicks none ever got pasty butt. I'm wondering if that is because I soaked their feed. Maybe it's the extra water they get from soaked feed.
  13. Lavender Mum

    Need help sexing my ameraucana chickens

    oh man you think Hugh is a girl :) The second picture is Ivy but now apparently Ivan lol. Ivan has been feisty with the flock lately and pecking a lot. Maybe someone pecked him back? It doesn't look bad in person, just a slight red mark. Does it look bad?
  14. Lavender Mum

    Need help sexing my ameraucana chickens

    I meant to say comb lol
  15. Lavender Mum

    Need help sexing my ameraucana chickens

    Thats really interesting about the wattle/pea comb connection. Thanks for the input.
  16. Lavender Mum

    Need help sexing my ameraucana chickens

    Hey everyone, I have 7 chickens that are 6 weeks old as of yesterday. I am convinced I have 5 hens and 2 roosters. I am showing the two I think are roos and one that looks like a hen to me and all the others have the same beak as her. I don't see any wattles forming on the beaks of the 2 that...
  17. Lavender Mum

    Who Here Does Fermentation Feeding?

    I totally agree I think fermented feed is the best choice too. I've had my birds on fermented feed for about two weeks now and it's an easy task for me to get together since I'm not mixing large amounts at a time.
  18. Lavender Mum

    Easter Egger chicks! Help me ID them?

    I just want a variety of egg colors from these EE's. I'm afraid they'll be all blue because the photos they show on their site for the EE's seem to be the same color. Online im seeing images that their EE's have an array of colors
  19. Lavender Mum

    Easter Egger chicks! Help me ID them?

    Thanks! Two do remind me of my lavender ameraucans that I have and I got these two types from the same hatchery.
  20. Lavender Mum

    Easter Egger chicks! Help me ID them?

    I got mine from cackle so ill definitely get in touch with them to see what breeds they mix. I pray your right about them being welsummer because id love speckled eggs. Your right about the Ameraucana because I have lavender Ameraucana and some look similar.
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