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  1. B

    Need suggestions to keep coop warm in winter!

    Thank you so much! I didn’t think I should run the fan. We are going this weekend to pick up what we can and I have added the additional vent to the list. I will talk to my husband about the siding I think it is all one piece so I am not sure he will be willing to cut it. Maybe one additional...
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    Need suggestions to keep coop warm in winter!

    Hello! This is our first winter with our flock. We live in northeast Texas and although it typically doesn’t get as cold as it does for a lot of people the last few years have been very cold for several weeks with rolling blackouts, ice and snow. Plus the wind can be brutal. We bought a 8x12...
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    Comment by 'BarbaraW' in article 'Sour Crop, Impacted Crop, Doughy Crop - Prevention and Treatments of Crop disorders'

    Hello I am currently dealing with one impacted crop and one sour crop. This article really answered a few questions I had. If I could ask you please should grit be given with either of these conditions? I cleared the impaction and bird is pooping but there is still some hard matter about the...
  4. B

    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    Thank you for your help! We will get the run upgraded as soon as possible so they can use the tunnel to go back and forth if they get too hot. They have the entire shed for chicken business and I will keep an eye out for picking and boredom. I have ordered some toys that I hope will help keep...
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    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    Yes we have a small ac in the coop I am trying to keep the temp reasonable not really cold just to keep the humidity down so around 85 ish
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    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    I can see what we can do regarding the temporary pen maybe we can finish the chicken tunnel first and they can have a couple hours out in that…..the dogs are a no go one of them charged the hardware cloth hard enough when we first put them out to make her nose bleed. She learned her lesson but...
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    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    edit to add we cannot free range due to the hawks that nest in our trees and our dogs….
  8. B

    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    Yes there is a thermometer in there! And an ac as well …. I’m in Texas and temps and humidity are so high right now - with heat index some days are over 110 degrees. So many people are losing their chickens here. One of the reasons I went ahead and bought the building so they could come in and...
  9. B

    How long can you keep chickens in the coop

    Hello all! I have a question regarding keeping chickens cooped for a few weeks. We just bought an 8x12 shed for our 14 chickens and plan on building a chicken tunnel to their 16x20 run. The original coop was in the run and we had to take a wall down and the hardware cloth off the top to get it...
  10. B

    Impacted crop

    I came home from work and my husband had fed her. Too much and the large hard lump was back so I began the coconut oil and massages again and it has gone down a lot and now feels soft and squishy but not completely empty. I gave her some more hydro hen because I had switched to water for 12...
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    Impacted crop

    I am checking her crop every few hours but had to go to work today. I still have her separated but am going to add her back this evening after I feed her and keep an eye on her for a little while as long as she is doing ok. She seems back to normal now thank god! I will try to offer the grit...
  12. B

    Impacted crop

    Hello I need help with caring for a 4 week old chick that had an impacted crop. I found her this morning with a very large hard knot in her crop (she was fine last night as far as I can tell) so I took her and fed her small amount of coconut oil and did massages every 30 minutes and it appears...
  13. B

    Baby chicks eating pine dust

    Thank you so much! I offered the chicks the grit in a feeding trayI have used for their feed before they got to big and maybe this is why they thought it was food. I will offer the grit in a different bowl next time. Doing their first dust bath station today with a little DE and coop dirt...
  14. B

    Baby chicks eating pine dust

    Hello I am new to raising chickens and have 14 almost 4 week old chicks. I noticed that they are now doing a lot of scratching in the pine shavings and appear to be eating the dust as well as spilled crumbles. I read that you can give them a little grit in their food if they are doing this so I...
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