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  1. Quail_

    Burying chicken wire or laying it on the ground?

    Thank you! I think I do have hardwire cloth somewhere so I'll be using that!
  2. Quail_

    Burying chicken wire or laying it on the ground?

    i had seen a article saying that burying chicken wire 8 to 12 inches down beside the chicken run was a good way to detire predators and I was wanting to of course do this but currently I have my chicken wire laying on the ground inside the chicken run. Which way is better basically, I haven't...
  3. Quail_

    Picked raw / how to properly apply bandages / Help?

    HI! So she was separated and I actually got home last night, I checked over her wounds the best I could and I didn't see anything too bad. Shes been sprayed and is back in the coop (still separated but is let out with close supervison). She's doing a lot better.
  4. Quail_

    Picked raw / how to properly apply bandages / Help?

    The fact I never thought of that makes me feel horrible. Thank you for this!
  5. Quail_

    Picked raw / how to properly apply bandages / Help?

    I forgot to add photos but it isn't bad at all. My neighbor was asked to remove her but the rooster is being the problem with being a nuance. Thank you
  6. Quail_

    Picked raw / how to properly apply bandages / Help?

    Currently I am on vacation and my neighbor is watching my chickens. Today she called me and told me that my year old buff orpington was on her side and refusing to walk. We were able to get her up and walking again by removing her mating saddle but her back is bloody. She's being bullied and...
  7. Quail_

    How to help feathers regrow

    Dang, i wanted not naked hens. Do molts happen during the summer? Or can they since mine haven't melted yet.
  8. Quail_

    How to help feathers regrow

    Two of my buff orpingtons backs, sides, and head had been basically plucked clean almost and I'm trying to encourage new feather growth. I had gotten a mating saddle (idk if those are consaverial but they are the only way I've seen that protect birds backs) for them and I haven't seen any new...
  9. Quail_

    How to stop chicken diarrhea

    So if im understanding correctly, i can give her yogurt?
  10. Quail_

    How to stop chicken diarrhea

    Bit ashamed in asking this but yesterday i noticed tgat my chickens poo was really liquidity. It doesn't seem bloody or anything but i began to start the slow process of cleaning their run up. Im hoping this will help but I want to make sure she will be ok. (Unfortunately i do not have any...
  11. Quail_

    If I get a mate for my male White Chinese Goose, will he still guard the flock or abandon them?

    I know nothing about geese but i have heard that if they get a mate they will ingore the chickens. But again i know nothing about geese so take what i say with a big platter of salt
  12. Quail_

    Egg being kicked out of nest

    Im doing that. I need to get her put in a dog kennel and put it inside the coop so i wont need to reintegrate her.
  13. Quail_

    Egg being kicked out of nest

    Honestly that makes enough sense to me. Thank you 🤣
  14. Quail_

    When will they start laying regularly again?

    Could be a few different things. Have they molted? Sometimes they could just be on break. A way i tell they are on break, or just freeloading is their comb. Bright red they are laying, pale comb means shes being a freeloader for now.
  15. Quail_

    Egg being kicked out of nest

    Currently my golden laced Wyandotte is broody, and for the past two or three days she has been keeping a lot of eggs under her and none of them escaped. I had taken them all away and left her with a ceramic egg so she wouldn't be over flowing with eggs. But today we had an after shock from a...
  16. Quail_

    Opinion on this coop design

    I thought i needed 7 boxes for 6 hens. But im ok with that many nest boxes since i plan for more chickens in the future
  17. Quail_

    Molt Questions

    I think this question is in the right place but if it isnt ill just delete it and try again . I have a few questions regarding molting for chickens, mostly about early signs, care tips, and why it wouldn't be happening. My chickens are almost a year old and quite honestly i though i would see...
  18. Quail_

    Brown/gold leakage silkie chicks question

    It looks like the middle could be a boy. I wish i could help more. But when you hear a crow id sit outside and watch them closely, eventually someone cracks
  19. Quail_

    Opinion on this coop design

    Thank you! I dont understand how to use esty so i just used google!
  20. Quail_

    How can I get more eggs

    How many birds, breeds and age? If you dont know the breeds i would try to find out. Ages is hard but i just go off of when you first bought them and add a week or two depending on how big they are. Egg production when you first get chickens is slow and a bit frustrating. But it could also be...
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