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  • Users: RMays
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  1. R

    Help! Chick hatched with larg reg lump out of butt

    Me again... So this chick made it through the night left in the incubator, in effort to keep it clean and less chance of infection it is now segregated in the brooder in a clean Tupperware with a paper towel under it. The chicken has good energy level and the "mass" is drying up a definitely...
  2. R

    Help! Chick hatched with larg reg lump out of butt

    Thanks for your quick replies! The other two are hatching right now as soon as they are done I will try the cup. Thank you!!
  3. R

    Help! Chick hatched with larg reg lump out of butt

    It moved so I got a better view it does look a little yellow but also red. No assist from me or other chicks but there are two others zipping now I don't want to hurt him. I can try a cup not sure if it will fit in there. Would taking him out under a heat lamp be a bad idea??
  4. R

    Help! Chick hatched with larg reg lump out of butt

    This chick just hatched and seemed to be somewhat attached to the shell I assumed umbilical cord but when it broke free it had this very large red lump that looks to be coming out of its butt. It looks like it belongs inside....what do I do??
  5. R

    Did I kill my eggs??

    Thanks everyone! Before this incident there was definite progress in at least 9 of 11. I'm going to candle tonight and see what they look like. Chicken prayers!!
  6. R

    Did I kill my eggs??

    I am beating myself up so so bad. I am on day 12 of incubation and somehow in a cleaning frenzy yesterday my incubator got unplugged and I did not realize until this morning. Maybe as long as 16 hours. Horrible, I know. The temp was 65F when I plugged it back in. I killed them didn't I??
  7. R

    Un-pipped eggs 24 hours after first hatch

    I just quickly candled doesn't look good. They're very loose and "floaty" in there. Somehow they look smaller?? Except for 1 that is a very dark brown egg that I haven't really been able to tell much when candling since the beginning. I think they're done 😔
  8. R

    Un-pipped eggs 24 hours after first hatch

    Me again, first timer(obviously) I put 11 eggs in and had 9 that looked to be doing great when candled at lockdown, two that looked a little small but still active. First egg pipped morning of day 20, 4 more pipped through our day 20. First hatch evening of day 20 (yesterday) 3 hatched...
  9. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    Update: I took it out to see if I could help and it was unfortunately already gone as I suspected
  10. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    The egg right next to it is currently zipping I don't want to risk damaging that one if I'm not seeing any obvious signs of life in this one so I think I will wait until it hatches and then remove this one and see what I can do
  11. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    Also, the one beside it is in process of zipping so I'm worried to open the incubator right now and risk that one if this one is most likely gone. Sheesh this is stressful
  12. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    The other chicks rolled it over and it's beak is poking out the other side but not moving. I've been staring at the tip of it's beak for about 20 min and no movement. I'm afraid it was stuck upside down and maybe suffocated? Should I take it out and try to remove the top? You can see the tip of...
  13. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    Update: the hatched chicks rolled it over and it was zipped further than I thought, it's beak it poked out a little but not moving. I'm afraid it was stuck for a while facing upside down
  14. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    I don't see any movement that looks like it's breathing unfortunately. this is what it's looking like. The humidity is fine so I don't think it shrink wrapped, and I don't know how long it's been like this so I'm hesitant to try to help.
  15. R

    Help!Chick unzipped but stopped

    I have a chick who pipped almost 24 hours ago, it had little progress until late last night. When I went to bed around midnight it has made on progress I could see it's beak poking in and out doing the chewing motion. I just woke up (7am) and it is fully zipped but I don't see any movement. Not...
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