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  1. AuntJenny

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Thank You Kayana!!! These 3 are very sweet. My orpingtons are but these enjoy being petted. I have a huge incubator and am planning on hatching them. I can see them being very they will eventually go in the barn/free range with everything else. If they can not stay dry they...
  2. AuntJenny

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Hello, I'm new to Silkies and just got this trio for Mothers Day. I am learning all about these adorable little chicks. We have old English orpingtons so these are totally different. I would love to hear any comments about these 3. We will be showing them at our small fair this yer. Have no idea...
  3. AuntJenny

    Auntjennys Member Page

    We have been bitten by the farming bug. We finally acquired a small farm after years of looking and bidding. We currently have 1 Jersey cow(who follows you like a puppy), a 7 month old Holstein heifer and a month old jersey calf The chickens share the barn and pasture with the cows I...
  4. AuntJenny

    I bought a Jersey Milk Cow!!!! Butter, cheese & cream.......

    Quote: Congrats!!!!!!!! Boy she is pretty!!! you are going to love her. I have 1 jersey and 2 calves. A heifer and a steer. She is giving over 5 gallons a day and the milk is awesome. I love my girl!! Jenny
  5. AuntJenny


    Quote: We are prepared here. Got the generator gassed up in case we lose power in the barn. I will be shocked if we get what they are calling for but never hurts to be ready Hopefully nobody loses power!!
  6. AuntJenny


    Quote: Aww... that is so neat!!
  7. AuntJenny

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Oh my your giants are so pretty. I love the white one with black speckles!!!!
  8. AuntJenny


    I read acv can not go in the metal waters only plastic. got my jersey giants this morning. Oh little chicks are so cute. Was able to clean out the entire barn yesterday with this weather. clean clean clean!!!!
  9. AuntJenny


    Finally......2 green/blue eggs this morning. They made a nest in the cows wall feeder. One after another they are lining up to hop in. I was able to grab 2 eggs before I left. I am so excited!!!!!! I lined all the nests with the same grass they are laying in. Hopefully they get the hint and lay...
  10. AuntJenny


    Oh that pic is sooooooo adorable!!! can't wait until we get our baby chicks!!
  11. AuntJenny


    Quote: He was just reading the menu . . . wasn't ready to order yet. That's the truth! Oh nothing like getting your heart racing. Glad no one was harmed.
  12. AuntJenny


    Quote: Hey Mish I found this ad on CL. They are in Lapeer and have a picture of the birds for you to look at. Maybe this is what you are looking for! Goodluck.
  13. AuntJenny


    Oh we will get more snow. I have pics of my husband rototilling the garden in shorts and a ton of snow the next day. I am always dumping snow out of my tulips so they don't snap over. Mish~ thanks for the reply. 1 1/2 drive is not to bad.. I do worry about shipping.
  14. AuntJenny

    They came today! New Baby PICS! UPDATED 2/14 Replacement Order!

    They are adorable!!! Sorry to hear you lost a few.
  15. AuntJenny


    Quote: Aww..he is a cutie, I love Jersey's. Mine was born the 2nd week of Jan and she thinks she is a puppy too. You should also look at this website for any help: The tree of knowledge section is wonderful. Did you burn off his horns yet? I...
  16. AuntJenny

    Can i introduce day old chicks to a two week old?

    I added to ours and they were a little over 2 weeks apart and did fine. Little one is a buff orp and the big one is an EE
  17. AuntJenny


    Quote: You rock!! I would love 3 pullets please, if you can add them to the order let me know how much I owe you. Thanks
  18. AuntJenny


    Quote: If i would have known that I would have just paid you for them. Oh well.
  19. AuntJenny

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    Here are a few pictures of my Jersey Giants. We have 2 and love them dearly!!! One is dark black and the other is a lot lighter. They are about 8 months old. This is the lighter one: A few months ago: Both of them a few weeks ago:
  20. AuntJenny

    Free exotic chick

    Love the muppet!!! Thanks for the compliments. He is cute.
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